Advisors review development, security scenario in Doda, Kishtwar

Advisors K K Sharma and K Skandan chairing a meeting at Kishtwar.
Advisors K K Sharma and K Skandan chairing a meeting at Kishtwar.

* Ask administration to connect with people
Excelsior Correspondent
DODA, Aug 19: Advisors K K Sharma and K Skandan today reviewed development and security scenario in Kishtwar and Doda districts.
While on one day tour of the Chenab region, the Advisors took stock of the developmental activities, reviewed stock and supply position of essential commodities and law and order situation in the twin districts.
Reviewing the functioning and performance of each department, the Advisors asked for fast tracking of key projects and effective implementation of schemes for achieving optimum results on the ground.
They stressed on the need to keep tab on the progress of developmental projects and taking the schemes to the doorsteps of the people for their socio-economic development.
They sought effective implementation of Government schemes, adding that these can prove a game changer and for that the administration needs to connect with the people. “Only regular persuasion and guidance will encourage the people to take benefit of schemes meant for their socio-economic growth”, they said.
The Advisors asked the district administration to respond promptly to the issues related to the delivery of essential services. He asked Health, Education and PHE departments to meet the challenge of effective service delivery by working in a mission mode.
The senior civil and police officers gave detailed brief on the service delivery, position of stocks and supplies, besides security scenario in the mountainous region.
The Advisors sought detailed information pertaining to the availability of the essential commodities/services especially the availability of food grain, medicines, besides Power and Water supply etc. They expressed satisfaction over the availability of sufficient stock supplies in the twin districts.
The DDC Kishtwar informed the meet that about 650 km cable and 11000 electric poles have been laid to extend power supply to villages including bad pocket areas of the district.
The Advisors directed to ensure supply of electricity to every nook and corner of the district adding that the Govt is committed to 100% coverage under Saubhagya Scheme.
The NHPC was directed to undertake repair/reconstruction of 8 damaged electric towers before snow fall on war footing basis to avoid problems during winter season.
Regarding PHE Sector, the DDC informed that work on Naigadh water supply scheme is in full swing with September 2019 set as deadline for completion. He informed that 24 schemes stand sanctioned under languishing projects and requested for providing the material on priority basis as the tenders for the projects have been floated.
The Advisors asked the district administration to prepare district microplan in convergence under Agriculture, Sericulture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and UMEED sectors to create new avenues for the unemployed youth. They asked the concerned officers and project authorities to train local unemployed youth in ITIs to facilitate their employment in the Power Projects coming up in the district.
Further directions were passed to identify/execute atleast one project / scheme in each village under Back to Village Programme which aims at to meet the long pending and urgent demands of rural poor.
Reviewing the Health sector, the Advisors assured that the matter with regard to the availability of life saving drugs and other essential medicines shall be taken up with the concerned quarters.
Calling for modernisation of agriculture activities in the district, the Advisors directed to lay special emphasis on mushroom and cocoon cultivation, establishment of vegetable markets and cold storage for making the district self reliant.
Further, stress was laid on speeding up digitisation of revenue land records and intensifying the anti-encroachment drive in district.