Affleck says continued Iran tensions make “Argo” topical

TORONTO, Sept 10: Given current diplomatic tensions over Iran, Ben Affleck says his new spy thriller “Argo” couldn’t be more topical, even though it is set more than 30 years ago. The film, which Affleck both directs and stars in, is based on the CIA’s role in smuggling six American diplomats out of Iran in 1979 under the unlikely guise of a fake movie production.

Does a changing economy mean the “End of Men”?

NEW YORK (Reuters) For all the bluster of her book’s title, “The End of Men: And the Rise of Women,” Hanna Rosin is surprisingly ambivalent about whether men are, in fact, doomed. Women are quicker to adapt to the economy’s new demands, Rosin says, pursuing higher education in record numbers and dominating fast-growing professions such as nursing and accounting. (agencies)