After high-voltage drama at GMC Jammu, Dr Gillani suspended for misconduct

Nishikant Khajuria
JAMMU, Mar 16: The State Government today ordered suspension of Dr Zahid Hussain Gillani, HoD Pharmacology, Government Medical College Jammu and former Principal of the GMC after he created a high-voltage drama in the College premises and allegedly ransacked the Principal’s office, which remained forcibly occupied by him for several hours till intervention of the District Administration and Police on the instruction of top authorities.
Besides ordering immediate suspension of Dr Gillani for his  alleged misconduct, the Government has also constituted a three-member committee to conduct an enquiry into the today’s episode at GMC and submit its report with specific recommendations within 10 days.
Dr Gillani, who was removed as Principal GMC Jammu on Monday on the charge of alleged negligence and incompetence, this morning forced his entry into the office of the Principal before the incumbent Dr Sunanda Raina could reach.
Eye witnesses told the Excelsior that  Dr Gillani  not only occupied the Principal’s chair but also started issuing verbal orders to the subordinate staff besides threatening them. He allegedly  ransacked the office and threw away the bouquets, which were presented to the newly appointed Principal Dr Sunanda Raina on last Tuesday and placed there.
The drama  continued for more than four  hours, during which Dr Gillani also conducted a round of the hospital and forced some staff members to accompany him.
Meanwhile, Dr Sunanda Raina, who came to know about the bizarre behaviour of Dr Gillani and occupation of her chair, preferred to sit in her office of HoD Anatomy till the episode came to an end with the intervention of District Administration and Police on the instruction of Minister for Health and Medical Education, Bali Bhagat.
Additional Deputy Commissioner along with SP City personally rushed to the GMC Administration block and got Dr Gillani vacated the chair of Principal. As Dr Gillani claimed that he did not receive any Government order on his removal from the top post, the ADC re-produced the relevant order in this regard and asked him to immediately leave the office.
According to an official spokesman, today at 9 a.m, Ex-Principal, Dr Zahid Gillani forcibly made his entry in the Principal’s office and occupied the official chair of the Principal in violation of Government order number 138 HME of 2017, dated 13-3-2017, whereby Dr Sunanda Raina, Professor and HoD Anatomy was assigned the charge of Principal GMC Jammu in place of Dr Gillani.
Sensing the situation, Dr Sunanda  informed the Commissioner/Secretary Health and later on after intervention of the District Magistrate and Police authorities, Dr Zahid Gillani left the Principal’s office, the spokesman added.
Later, in the evening, Commissioner/Secretary  Health and Medical Education issued an order, according to which, Dr Zahid Gillani has been placed under suspension with immediate effect till pending enquiry into alleged misconduct by him in the GMC premises  today.
The committee, headed by Dr Saleem-ur-Rehman, Director Health Services Kashmir, and comprising of Dr Zahoor Ahmad, Director Finance H&ME and Naseer Ahmad, Additional Secretary H&ME as Members, shall conduct an enquiry into the whole episode and submit its report within 10 days.