Aggrieved forces

In a press conference, leaders of the Ex-Central Paramilitary Forces personnel have expressed anger against the NDA Government alleging it of ignoring them for all privileges and perks that it has given to the armed forces of the country. They allege that they have been discriminated against and naturally they have expressed their dissatisfaction.
The fact of the matter is that the Paramilitary Forces Personnel have not lagged behind the regular forces in making sacrifices for the sovereignty and integrity of the country. They have laid down their lives whenever the country was faced with serious threat. As such, common sense and justice demand that they should be given equal treatment with the regular forces. They have a just cause and they should have been listened. The nation is under the impression that their case has also come under the consideration of the Union Government at a time when discussions were underway about the one rank one pay issue. But from their recent press statement, it appears that they are left out very unjustly. We are all support for their cause.
However, we do not think that it is right for them to link up this issue with national politics and election. It is not in the interests of our democracy that large groups of people decide to favour or oppose political parties on the basis of their limited interests. They are a part of the vast Indian nation and the Indian nation votes political parties on the basis of their vision of national interests. Democracy is not the politics of small or isolated groups. It is the politics of national good. We hope the leaders of the Ex-Central Paramilitary Forces personnel will reconsider their decision of accepting or rejecting political parties on the basis of their personal likes and dislikes and not on the basis of larger interests of the people of our country. We only want to bring home to them that national interests are far ahead of individual or group interests.