Aggrieved pensioners

Today’s price rise of essential items of day-to-day use has adversely affected the common man among whom pensioners make no difference.
Pensioners who are in their advanced stage of life do part a good amount out of their fixed pension towards their medical expenses that goes compounding their worries.
Pensioners in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir get the smallest amount of MA at the rate of Rs 300 p.m. since decades back. No increase has been made so far in the said allowance, although voices have been raised in this connection before the authorities in UT of Jammu & Kashmir. The Central Govt employees and pensioners do receive Rs 1000 pm. as medical allowance, while Jammu and Kashmir too being a Union Territory its employees and pensioners stand deprived of the benefit although assured by the Union Govt. Secondly freezing of DA instalments has also added to the woes of pensioners. This small amount of increase in the form of DA would work as balm in the pensioners category. This section of the society has given their golden period of life in the service of people that also needs to be taken into account in their advanced stage of life.
S N Raina