Agriculture Bill

This has reference to the editorial agriculture bill may get aborted’ DE July 4.
In case the proposed Agricultural bill gets aborted, it will certainly be a setback for those who have been advocating that agriculture land should not be used for commercial purposes. The population of the State is increasing at an alarming rate and to meet its food needs, it is essential that sufficient land is available for agricultural purposes. It is reported that the State becomes more and more dependent on other States for food products-like rice, and wheat etc as agriculture land is shrinking and food production falling.
At present it is seen everywhere that agriculture land is either used for raising new colonies or for commercial purposes. The trend if not stopped right now will spell doom to agriculture sector in the State which is backbone of the State economy. It may be mentioned here that the State unlike other States of the country does not have  a flourishing industrial sector which could absorb thousands of unemployed youth. In the prevailing circumstances it is suggested that the proposed agriculture bill should be passed in the coming assembly sessions.
Yours etc….
Sunil Kohli