Kindly refer to the Agriculture Calender 2014 issued by the Directorate of Agriculture Kashmir. The calander is praise worthy because the calender speaks volumes of Agriculture Development in J&K in general and Kashmir in particular from January to December including both Rabi and Khareef crops etc. I agree with all the contents of the calender in question. The development in this sector will go a long way to serve the interests of the farming community in general in J&K and all other States as well because “Agriculture” is regarded as the backbone of the Indian Economy. Approximately more than 80% of the population depends on Agriculture directly or indirectly.
The Department deserves kudos for its contribution and hope that such an effort will definitely bring a positive change in mind set of the farming community. Gone are the days when Agriculture was regarded as source to produce two times meals but it has now become as a commercial source of income.
Yours etc….
Ashok K (Lalpuri)
45- Ajeet Colony, Gole Gujral, Jammu