AIBCU extends full support to hunger strike lecturers

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 27: A team of AIBCU visited the venue of contractual lecturers’ hunger strike.
The contractual lecturers sitting on hunger strike under leadership of Arun Bakshi, narrated their tale of woes and pitiable condition of the AIBCU team. They informed them that they were engaged under Government Policy with an assurance of their regularization after seven years of their satisfactory services. It is a grave injustice with the contractual lecturers who are serving the State since 1998 that they are not considered for regularisation.
The AIBCU leaders said that up to 2003, they were engaged vide Government order no. 816__edu of 1998 and in 2003, Government formed a policy to regularize them after three years vide order no.1301 dated 31/07/2003.
They said the same order was modified by Government vide Order No. 1584__Edu dated 21/10/2003 in which it was mentioned that “all such arrangements will be made on contractual basis in future” and on contractual rules 2003 (SRO.255). The High Court of the State has also given directions to the State Government to consider the case. Government has also issued orders for regularization after completion of seven years in reference to the Supreme Court’s ruling. Besides, Apex Court has passed directions for equal wages for equal work.
The story of the contractual lecturers is very pathetic and the Education Department has gone into deep slumber. When teachers are forced to go for hunger strike, one can guess the Govt’s education policy.
Executive members said that engaged during NC/Congress regime and are suffering because they have no other source of income. The team members along with M.R. Bangotra, Joginder Singh Rai and Prof. Kali Dass assured to raise the issue and extend other moral and physical support to the lecturers on hunger strike.