AIBOC condemns CSB management

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 23: All India Bank Officers’ Confederation (AIBOC), the apex Trade Union of Bank Officers in the country representing a membership of over 3,20,000, strongly condemns the Catholic Syrian Bank (CSB) management’s latest anti people / anti employee move of unilaterally reducing the retirement age of its officers to 58 from the industry standard retirement age of 60 years.
In a statement issued here, today AIBOC has appealed to the RBI and the Government to intervene immediately and set the house in order in Catholic Syrian Bank.
These regressive measures of an MD & CEO of a Bank, if not checked by the authorities in time would tantamount to letting him take the entire Industry to ransom as AIBOC is determined to take the fight to any level against these retrograde measures and it would be only the MD & CEO of the Catholic Syrian Bank who would be squarely held responsible for the consequences.
It said the Management of Catholic Syrian Bank (CSB) had been targeting the members of Catholic Syrian Bank Officers’ Association (CSBOA) in the past two years for their resistance to various misdeeds of the Bank management, ever since the present MD & CEO joined the Bank. The MD’s actions and proclamations were never intended to create goodwill inside the Bank but always aimed at creating a fear psychosis among the employees and portraying every other employee as a non-performer, perhaps as an alibi to hide his own fragilities in leading an institution on his own. Issuance of charge sheets, cessations on the last working day, compulsory retirement etc. all on very flimsy grounds, had become the order of the day in the Bank. A disturbed IR in the Bank would give a Managing Director a suitable excuse for his nonperformance on the business front.
AIBOC has been in the forefront leading the movements exposing these retrograde HR misadventures, which had been causing mayhem in the 98-year-old Bank. AIBOC included ‘restoration of good Industrial Relations in Catholic Syrian Bank’ as one of the main demands in the nationwide strike on 21st December 2018.
AIBOC made detailed representations to the Central Labour Commissioner, IBA & DFS during the conciliatory proceedings held at Delhi on December 19 before the strike dated December 21. The respected CLC even advised representatives of IBA and DFS to intervene and use their good offices to resolve the issues.