AIIMS in Jammu

Refer news item ‘Finally, adm clears Jammu AIIMS site of all encumbrances,work to begin shortly’ DE Sept 10, 2018. Much time has been already wasted in clearing the site of the impediments that cropped on one pretext or the other, there should be now no scope for such hurdles. The agency entrusted with construction of AIIMS should now embark on this prestigious projected sincerely and whole heartedly. The Government in turn should release the sanctioned amount for this purpose without letting bureaucratic hurdles to come in the way. The coming up of AIIMS in Jammu is of utmost importance to provide quality healthcare to people of Jammu region. It may be mentioned here that quality of medical service is deteriorating in Government Medical College Jammu and other small medical centres. This is due to the fact that these centres are overcrowded, lack infrastructure and are not in a position to cater to the needs of people. The people of the Jammu had been pleading for this facility for a long time now. But, unfortunately, this project got involved in controversy for political reasons. Now when encumbrances have been removed, one expects the AIIMS comes up as per plan.
Sunil Jamwal