AIJMS extends financial help to needy family

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 7: All India Jat Maha Sabha (AIJMS), under the leadership of Ch Manmohan Singh, extended financial assistance to the family members of Gharjeet Choudhary during the challenging time as their son battles for recovery after a tragic accident.
Members of the Sabha led by its president Manmohan Singh, today visited the residence of Gharjeet in village Nandpur to offer assistance and express solidarity. Recognizing the financial strain faced by the family due to the extensive medical treatment required, Jat Mahasabha provided an assistance of Rs 75000 which was contributed by the visiting members and pledged more support.
Pertinent to mention here that Gharjeet Choudhary has been on ventilator and fighting for his life for the past 10 days in a hospital in Ludhiana.