Ailing District Hospital Baramulla

The lift (elevator) is there, the CT Scan is there in Baramulla’s District Hospital but both are lying defunct and the result is inconvenience and hardships to patients. Such small deficiencies in the administrative mechanism of the hospital allowed to continue for months together snowball into lot of problems and inconvenience in terms of time and money. Patients, even freshly operated and serious ones too are to be carried on shoulders between hospital floors for post-operative care and treatment respectively.
While installations of devices as critical as lifts etc or any such facility, the administration should ensure that post sale services were guaranteed to be provided as quickly as possible and we are told that a third lift was going to be installed to circumvent total non-availability of the service in case of breakdown in future. In the case of CT Scan machine, the same logic holds good. Let us hope that these shortcomings in the basic facilities in the hospital are resolved at an early date.