Album of devotional song released

Dignitaries releasing album of a devotional song at Jammu on Tuesday.
Dignitaries releasing album of a devotional song at Jammu on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 18: BJP J&K co-Convenor Sanskriti, Art, Culture Cell, Sahil Mahajan along with Sohail Kazmi, social activist, Singer Manish Mangotra and Geeta here today released album of devotional song ‘Mindal Wali De Dulare Tirath Ram’.
The song ‘Mindal Wali De Dulare Tirath Ram’ has been sung by Abhishek Abhi, composed by NB Naresh, video prepared by Rohit & Neeraj and lyrics by Abhishek Abhi.
The album has been released on YouTube channel Maa Kangre Wali Records.
The programme was organized by Maa Bawe Wali Records MD, Sahil Mahajan.
Sahil Mahajan appreciated BJP Sanskriti, Art and Culture Cell J&K for encouraging the young talent.
Sohail Kazmi praised the whole production team especially the Singers and Sahil Mahajan for their efforts in releasing the album.
Manish said that India has a vast and rich cultural heritage and the devotees of fine arts ensure that the mind of our creative youth is directed towards nurturing their skills with a positive way.