Alexander killed by Dogras in Reasi?

O P Sharma

Name of the Book: “Dogras Killed Alexander at Salal (Reasi), Jammu”
Author and Publisher: Dr. Pangotra Mangal Dass Dogra
Publisher : Highbrow Publications Bari-Brahmana, Jammu
Pages : 116
Price : Rs. 550

It has universally been recognised that a young prince of a small state of Macedonia in Persia succeeded his father King Phillip at the age of 20 years in 354 BC. The prince was very rough, tough and cruel. The name of this prince was Alexander, who is known in the history as “Alexander-the-Great”. Alexander under the guidance, control and command of his mentor, the Aristotle raised a suicidal army of 30,000 horsemen soldiers’ infantry etc. He challenged the neighbouring kings/states and within a short span of four years (334 BC-330BC), he conquered all the adjoining states and assumed the title of “Alexander The Great”. These victories raised the greed and ambition of Alexander and the youngman was swollen with pride, dreamt and desired to conquer whole of the world and aimed to be the king of the kings as well.
Expeditions :
Alexander, after completing his campaign upto 328 BC, became the king of whole land between Mecedonia and west of Indus river. He consolidated his victories on the conquered lands viz Persian and West Asian lands (States) and in the year 326 BC in the month of February he reached the western bank of Indus river. The king of this country, between Indus and Jehlum, was Ambi-who was in continuous enemity with Poros (Poruv Raj) the neighbouring king of Abhisar state between Jehlum and Chanderbhaga, the present Poonch- Rajouri upto Chanderbhaga river.
King Ambi made friendship with Alexander. Although Ambi placed his army at the disposal of Alexander his dream to become the chakravarti Samrat of whole of India and the world remained only a dream. The submission of king Ambi of Texla made Alexander more swoolen with pride and greedy. Not to speak of becoming king of whole world or whole India, Alexander was not allowed to cross Bias (Bipasha) river.
He was badly defeated and killed by brave and valiant Dogras of Jammu and even his mortal remains could not reach Mecedonia, his native land. Alexander came across very tough resistance in Duggar Pradesh-the land of brave Dogras in North Western India which was called then Madar Desh, Daro-o-Abhisar and Trigart during those days. The humiliation and defeat that Alexander suffered here, has not been recorded and reported truely by the historians of Alexander who were either Persians or Mecedonians. They only sung the saga of their hero Alexander and showered so much praise on him that he even forgot what he was and what he was doing and where he was going and ultimately he was killed while fighting in the fateful rock citadel in village Salal in district Reasi immediately within three days after crossing Askini river now called Chenab (Chanderbhaga). His forces were made to run back by the Dogras. The fleeing forces were not even allowed to pass through the lands of natives and that is why the army of Alexander selected different safe routes for their return.
All the Dogra historians of Jammu viz Prof. Sukh Dev Singh Charak, Narsingh Dass Nargis, Pt. Daya Krishan Gardish, Jagdish Chander Sathe and others are also of the view that Alexander was defeated and killed by Dogras of Jammu. According to Pt. Daya Krishan Gardish and Narsingh Dass Nargis, the people of Greece still call Chanderbhaga (Chenab-the Askini of Alexander’s historians) Sandrofogus which means the Devourer of Alexander-The killer of Alexander or the one which swallowed the Alexander, so called Alexander the great.
It may be mentioned that Alexander the most adamant and defiant king, when left the Macedonian state on the campaign to conquer the whole world was barely 20-22 years. He could not comprehend the gravity and consequences of his dreams, which is still beyond anybody’s reach to guess or anticipate but the facts and stories which history unfolds before us, one is astonished and constrained to conclude that a man is quite ignorant about his destiny. He does not know when and where he will have to confront death and destruction!
The enmity and differences between the rulers of Gandhar (Texla) and Abhisar (Poonch and Pajouri) not only made the job of crossing the Indus easy for Alexander, it worked as a bridge. Animosity between the Indian kings made Alexander’s job to destroy all the Janapadas and Kote Kotlas of North-West India easy.
The book contain eight chapters 1. Alexender’s Battle with Dogras and His Defeat and death at Salal (Reasi), Jammu 2. Battle of Gota Pani 3. Battle of Arnas 4. Death of Alexender 5. Unfolding the Mystery of Death of Alexander-crossing of Asikini 6. Samadhi of Alexander (Salal and Chumana Devta) 7. Army of Alexander Reaches Shallaya Kote 8. Bassi Luie (n), Shallaya Kote and Katheonie.
This 116- pages book makes an interesting historical account. Pangotra Mangal Dass Dogra makes a very significant historical revolution that “Alexander- The Great” was killed in Salal (Reasi) in a Battle with the Dogras. But I feel that this Historical narration still need further research and historical communication by the scholars. The P.G History Department, Jammu University or any other institution should take up this challenging task.