All is not well

Prof A N Sadhu
The recent developments in the state are a clear pointer to the fact that all is not well in the government. Jammu has some genuine and serious concerns relating to the regions polity, economy and demography. That some sections of the society have raised these concerns is genuine and well intentioned and should receive an appropriate response from the powers that be. The heinous crime committed in Rasana should be condemned by every rational thinking person and the accused given an exemplary punishment. In fact all those who have committed such crimes in the state and outside the state should be severely punished and justice delivered to the victims.
What is disgusting to note is that unscrupulous politicians grab any opportunity to exploit it for political gains and not for the human concern. Nobody can deny that the developments that have taken place during the last thirty years have seriously damaged the social ethos for which the state was known all over the world. The very narrative has undergone a significant, though unwelcome, transformation which is causing anguish as also the apprehensions in the minds of the people. That people are becoming restive is because of inadequate or practically no response from the state towards correcting the distortions and putting things in order to infuse confidence among the people that their interests and apprehensions are addressed. Jammu has a genuine grouse against political and economic discriminations for a long time and it needs to be looked into and honestly investigated keeping in view the size of region’s population, natural resources and geographic expanse. Demographic concerns are the latest addition to this list of animosities against the Government.
Jammu is know as one of the best towns in north India not only because of its natural endowment but more than that because of its people who are tolerant and peaceful. The town has immense capacity of shock absorption and has accepted it in a welcome mode. The people who came here in distress be those Kashmiri Pandits, people from border areas and other peripheral territories Jammu, in fact, is a  mini Indian ocean having assimilated all streams flowing into it. Jammu is also known for strong national credentials and would always rise in revolt if it apprehends any threat to the nation. Rohingyas are a threat not only for the reason that they are alien but also for the apprehension that they are likely to play in the hands of enemy that is desperately trying to disturb peace in the region and damage the fabric of religious coexistence and spirit of human brotherhood of the region. That government has not adequately and appropriately addressed this problem so far is causing deep anguish among the people.
Jammu had felt a sigh of relief when the leading political party joined the PDP to form a Coalition Government in the State. BJP has passed through several vicissitudes to reach its present status and has convincingly projected itself as a nationalist party to nurture democracy in its real sense to serve the people irrespective of caste, creed, region or religion. The two parties which are ideologically opposite to each other, forming an alliance was a big surprise to the people. The argument given in favour of this alliance was that two major political parties of the two regions have joined hands to serve the people as per their expectations and to meet their aspirations. AOA became the basic document which was prepared as a working arrangement for minimum Government and maximum governance. People in both the regions accepted it with a pinch of salt hoping that things will go right and peace and development will take precedence over other contentious issues. People, however, have neither the feel of peace nor the satisfaction of development. Government certainly has under performed, if it has performed and the gains of new experiment are not visible, in any case. The violence in Kashmir, has been witnessed in an increased measure and restlessness and disgust have also been witnessed in Jammu in an increased measure. It all ends up in a zero-sum game. The state is in a critical transition phase and many important issues will need to be addressed to bring stability to the state. Jammu’s concerns can’t be overlooked be these demographic, political or economic. The problems of displaced persons, be they KPs, refugees, border displaced persons, and other ethnic groups will have to be addressed with a more serious attention. The problem of over aged youth among displaced KPs has became a serious concern because it not only affects their present survival, but it has also very serious futuristic demographic implications. The Government should immediately give them an appropriate package which besides including financial assistance, should also involve these youth in subsidiary activities such as preparation of stationary items used in Government offices, installation of solar plants, waste management in migrant camps etc. Similarly some bold initiatives are required to be taken to deliver justice to 1947 refugees who have been struggling for the same since then.
The resignations of BJP ministers, though interpreted as a routine exercise, is definitely indicative of uneasy relationship between the two alliance partners. Politics apart, the in-experience and absence of mature  handling of public issues, is reflected all across the social spectrum. Street fights and everyday violence in Kashmir and discontentment in Jammu, is indicative of this experiment having failed to produce the impact, it was supposed to create. People have many probing questions and answers are far too difficult to come. What is the state policy to end violence and discontentment, is not clear and people are living in fear and suspicion. Strength to accept and intention to reform is the only way.