All roads lead to Srinagar

B L Saraf
April ,13th 2021 will be remembered for long , as it had something special for the residents of Jammu and Kashmir. It brought moments of joy and festivities for all sections of the society. Navreh , Navratras and the eve of Ramzan ,all had a pleasant convergence on the ‘day .’ These are the occasions held high in spiritual esteem by all the communities that live in J&K. It may be no exaggeration to say that April 13th had a soothing balm effect over COVID 19 depressed nerves and provided a much needed relief from a yearlong virus induced fatigue. Wish we could say, now ” the pandemic is behind us !”
Come the day , men and women living in exile for the last three decades found a way to Srinagar – some on their own some sponsored. In Kashmir, after a long time, the day witnessed opening of temples and shrines held sacred by the Pandit community. The devotees queued up in good numbers to pay obeisance . At quite a number of these religious places the political bigwigs of different hue and high ranking officers in the administration made their presence felt . Sheetalnath temple saw a flurry of social activity alongside the religious one , while as Sharika Devi temple , on the hills of Hari Parbat, and Zeshta Devi shrine ,in the lap of Zabarwan hills , too didn’t lag behind in attracting pilgrims and the political activists . The displaced Pandits from all over the country and beyond paid respects to the Deity .
At Sheetalnath, in addition to the chanting of devotional hymns, the atmosphere reverberated with a call to return made to the displaced by the prominent political persons of the Valley. This complex has a unique place in the socio -political milieu of Kashmiri Pandits. Down the decades it has been the nerve centre of the community’s social and political echo system.
Community’s, political activism found birth in the place. And whenever need arose Pandits looked to the place for the leadership. So , it is quite understandable that the BJP found it appropriate to sound bugle of its presence as also issue ‘ call to return ‘ from these precincts. Here, the Party organized socio -religious function wherein good number of displaced Pandits and locals marked their presence .BJP’s General Secretary (Organization ) , Ashok Koul , present on the occasion , said that Pandits have started returning to Kashmir as scores of them where seen participating in the religious rituals across various temples in Srinagar . While talking to media he said ” I don’t think there are any security concerns related to the returning of Kashmiri Pandits to the Valley , neither can Government facilitate their return , it is the people of Kashmir -the Kashmir society -which has to come out and own them .”
RSS Sarkarivah Dattatreya Hosabale echoed almost identical views, on the issue. Addressing KP community all over the globe during the concluding function of three day Navreh celebrations,on 14th evening, he among other things said “…….Government has taken many steps for restoration of peace and the development of Kashmir. But we have not to be totally dependent on Government and make our resolve firm to work for restoration of peace and glory of Kashmir .”
Not detracting anything from their good intentions, these statements are susceptible to the multiple interpretations and analysis .While the Organizing Secretary was talking of safe security scene for Pandits in Kashmir , a bloody gun battle was on between terrorists and the security forces in the heart of Shopian town and around . The security personnel are routinely targeted by the gun wielding terrorist. Nobody can ever dare say that this is the security scene Pandist would like to return to.Then he said that it is the people in Kashmir and not the government that can facilitate their return. Koul is partly true: while as good will and atmosphere of camaraderie has to be primarily created by the majority community in Kashmir to build an emotional connect and confidence in the returnee the government, however , cannot abdicate its responsibility in creating physically secure environs for the Pandits to live in Kashmir. Then, certain political and social rights must accrue to them, besides having an assured say in making of state policies which largely affect them . They need a viable economic environment and their religious places must have a statutory cover of protection . Government , alone , can provide and facilitate such things.
The second part of the statement has a great deal of substance in it. Indeed, it is a music to the optimists who always held that KM and KP reconciliation is a sine quo non – an unavoidable ingredient -for KPS safe and honorable rehabilitation in the Valley and feel emotionally connected . But to say that one should own the other sounds a bit insensitive . No community in Kashmir or for that matter any where can own the other . Ownership of the citizenry has always to be joint.
The idiom used in the statement that ” Kashmiri Pandits have started returning ” , pleasant though in hearing , could have some ominous connotations . There is no visible ‘return movement : could we , therefore , assume that Pandits have embarked on an ‘ invisible return’ – if not a secretive one – as was their enforced outward movement . Exodus can hardly be planned : an element of suddenness is inbuilt in it. But same shouldn’t be the case with the reverse movement.True, the return can’t be and shouldn’t be a victory march – marked by sense of over jubilation and fanfare . It may be imperceptible but should never assume colour of secrecy. And then certain matters – vital to the permanent living of displaced persons in the Valley- need to be settled before hand .
It will be prudent if the displaced persons are given an inkling of what is in store for them .The other day L G declared that they will get what may not be in their imagination. Here, a small dose of transparency will be highly desirable.
Post script : If the BJP genuinely wants Kashmiri Muslims to facilitate return of KPs to the Valley and “own ” them, then the least Party could do is to restrain its loud mouth spokespersons and obliging TV anchors from demonizing them (KMs) in the safe environs of the Delhi TV Studios .
(The author is Former Principal District & Sessions judge)