Alliance Defending Freedom Wages Multi-Front War Over Title IX Gender Identity Mandates

Alliance Defending Freedom Wages Multi-Front War Over Title IX Gender Identity Mandates
Alliance Defending Freedom Wages Multi-Front War Over Title IX Gender Identity Mandates

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has launched a multi-front legal offensive against the Biden administration’s unlawful rewriting of Title IX, a federal law designed to create equal opportunities for female students in education and athletics.

So far, Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys have filed five federal lawsuits across multiple states challenging the administration’s move to redefine “sex” under Title IX to include gender identity. The sweeping rule change would require schools to provide access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams based on a student’s gender identity rather than their biological sex at birth.

The most recent suit, Carroll Independent School District v. United States Department of Education, was filed on behalf of a Texas school district in Fort Worth. ADF Legal Counsel Mathew Hoffmann said in a statement on Alliance Defending Freedom Media that the “dangerous and unnecessary rule change will have devastating consequences for students, teachers, administrators, and families.”

Since Apr 30, Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys have initiated four other legal actions challenging the administration’s unlawful attempt to rewrite Title IX.

In Rapides Parish School Board v. U.S. Department of Education, Alliance Defending Freedom is suing on behalf of a Louisiana school board serving over 20,000 students.

In State of Tennessee v. Cardona, the defendants are the U.S. Department of Education and Alliance Defending Freedom is representing a female high school athlete from West Virginia and a national Christian educators group.

In State of Arkansas v. U.S. Department of Education, Alliance Defending Freedom teamed up with the Arkansas attorney general and five other states to sue, representing a female high school athlete from Arkansas.

And, in State of Kansas v. U.S. Department of Education, Alliance Defending Freedom is suing on behalf of an organization of female athletes aimed at protecting women’s sports as well as a 13-year-old girl in Oklahoma who had to stop using school bathrooms due to males accessing them.

What is Alliance Defending Freedom?

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, marriage and family, and the sanctity of life.

As part of its mission, Alliance Defending Freedom operates a division called Alliance Defending Church & Ministry Alliance. This branch of the organization concentrates on offering legal aid and guidance to churches and religious ministries with the purpose of safeguarding the right of faith-based groups to freely exercise and articulate their beliefs without fear of unjust punishment or interference.

In a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, Alliance Defending Freedom President Kristen Waggoner blasted the Biden administration’s reinterpretation of Title IX, calling it  “a looming disaster for women and girls.”

Waggoner accused the Biden administration of disregarding biological differences between males and females, thereby “mocking Title IX’s promise of equality.”

“Before this rule, the trend of men using women’s locker rooms, showers and bathrooms—and taking women’s titles, trophies and scholarships in athletic competitions—was only a partial reality, relegated to certain left-leaning states and school districts. No longer. With its sweeping decision to reinterpret “sex” discrimination to include “gender identity” in Title IX, the administration has opened the floodgates for males to enter female spaces nationwide,” Waggoner wrote.

Accusing the Biden administration of an “election-year ploy,” Waggoner warned, “the logic of the rule demands that schools allow boys who identify as girls to participate in girls’ sports” despite claims otherwise.

Waggoner also pointed out that the new rule does not align with science, citing England’s National Health Service, which concluded this year that “there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of PSH”—puberty-suppressing hormones—”to make the treatment routinely available” to minors with gender dysphoria.”

Waggoner ended her blistering op-ed with a call to action for the courts.

“For the sake of America’s youth, particularly girls, courts should quickly block the administration’s unlawful mandate and protect the educational opportunities that Title IX promises girls and women,” she wrote.