Alliance stitched for welfare of youth, JK’s prosperity: Mehbooba

Terms unemployment a challenge, says Govt working for creating job opportunities

SRINAGAR: Asking youth to support the Government in realizing its political and developmental agenda, Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today said the present alliance in Jammu & Kashmir was stitched solely for the welfare of youth and getting the State out of its difficulties.

Addressing a largely attended gathering of youth here today, the Chief Minister said the objective while forming the Government in the State was to ensure youth of the State a secure future by way of political stability and economic prosperity. For this purpose the two parties (PDP and BJP) came together, though it was a very difficult decision on the part of both the parties and many other easy options of power sharing were also available, she told the gathering of youth.

Mehbooba Mufti asked youth to play a positive role by helping in maintaining peace in the State so that her Government is able to pursue the agenda of development and discourse in the State. She regretted that the dialogue process in the State got stuck during the last decade or so and youth of the State had to pay a heavy price for this political drought.

The Chief Minister asked youth to factor in their role in this whole canvas by ensuring peace and harmony in the State. This, she said, automatically results in creating a congenial atmosphere of friendship between the two countries as the situation in Jammu & Kashmir has a direct bearing on the relations between the two neighbouring countries. Peace in the State alone can ensure that political process takes off and more opportunities of employment for the youth are created, she said.

The Chief Minister said it was satisfying to see Prime Minister, Narendra Modi taking up the threads to reach out to Pakistan by first inviting its Prime Minister to his swearing in and later visiting the country in December, 2015 though it could not be done during the decade long rule of the previous regime in New Delhi. She said though the effort hasn’t yet delivered the ultimate results due to some unfortunate developments following immediately, but she said she is hopeful that we would be able to embark on a path of reconciliation and friendship which is in the ultimate interests of people of both the countries.

Mehbooba Mufti asked the youth to get themselves associated with the decision making process in the State and join the forthcoming Panchayat elections in good numbers. She said Government would review the cases of the youth who were not seriously involved in any anti-social activity and also the families of the affected youth would also be given proper rehabilitation.

Terming unemployment as a major challenge of present times, Mehbooba Mufti said her Government is exploring possibilities of increasing employment opportunities for youth in the State by inviting investors, developing tourism and horticulture. She said she is convinced about the talent and abilities of youth of the State which she said needs opportunity to be recognized and honed.

Legislators, Aijaz Ahmad Mir and Yawar Dillawar Mir besides Secretary, J&K State Sports Council, Waheed ur Rehman Parra were also present on the occasion and addressed the gathering.