Alliance with BJP was a big mistake: Tak

PDP MLC, Firdous Tak addressing a press conference at Jammu on Friday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
PDP MLC, Firdous Tak addressing a press conference at Jammu on Friday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

MLC faces protest by activists

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 14: Referring to the last month’s killing of Parihar brothers, MLC from Kishtwar and PDP leader, Firdous Tak said that names of the culprits should be disclosed by the investigating agencies if same have been identified by them.
In a news conference here today Tak said, it seems that someone is misguiding the Governor over the identity of the culprits as the Governor Satyapal Malik few days back had stated that the culprits have been identified but had not disclosed the names.

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Earlier a group of activists of right group Bajrang Dal had staged a protest demonstration and raised slogans against Tak, his political outfit PDP clubbed with pro-India and pro-Indian Army slogans and also attempted to hit Tak when he arrived at the venue of press conference.
However, with the help of cops Tak was safely taken to the hall of Press Club to address the media.
It is pertinent to mention here that Tak had invited controversy after releasing a video on social media in which he allegedly used derogatory language.
The video went viral and was resented by different sections of society here.
“I too do shopping at Raghunath Bazar. I am also brought up in Jammu. Only that I wear cap and you apply vermilion over your forehead doesn’t mean that I am outsider,” he said adding that he has no regret for his controversial statement.
“I have said wrong to the people who challenge existence of people of my area here in Jammu,” he said terming the BJP as ‘Nasur’ (cancer).
When asked why PDP remained in power with the ‘Cancer’ he promptly said that it was a big mistake.
Without naming anyone, Tak told reporters that a political class is trying to show that terrorism is not over in Kishtwar while there is only one surviving terrorist in the area who is above 60 years of age.
“For its political interests that political class wants to reactivate special operation group and again erect bunkers in the Chenab valley,” he said without naming anyone.
“Bunkers in any region make that area prone to terrorist attacks which may claim innocent lives,” he maintained.