Allow PRIs to function properly: Mir tells Govt

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Nov 13. Stating that PRIs were not being allowed to function, mere tall claims and running paper horses on account of developmental works and resolution of other issues won’t yield results, PCC chief GA Mir said that there was a need to transform the Govt decisions into reality and implement them on the ground.
While reviewing the functioning of PRIs in Dooru area of Anantnag district today Mir lashed out at the administration for the failure of Panchayats in a systematic manner due to the lack of cooperation between the PRIs and the administration.
After reviewing the ongoing works and functioning of PRIs, JKPCC president heard the Sarpanchs and Panchs in a largely attended function who apprised him that despite putting in requisite papers with regard to release of funds for execution of developmental works, the administration was adopting dilly dallying tactics on releasing funds. He said this stance was detrimental to the functioning of PRIs and developmental process at grass roots.
Mir also reviewed the work done by Panchs and Sarpanchs in their respective Panchayat halqas and also received feedback on the works to be executed. He lashed out at the administration for not cooperating with the PRIs, which amounts to undermining the Panchayat bodies and urged the Govt to take immediate measures to restore confidence among the Panchayat representatives,  enabling them to perform the duty for which they have been chosen.
He said the PRIs hold the key  to development at grass roots and they need to be encouraged and facilitated to perform their duty in the larger interests of developmental of people.
JKPCC president expressed serious concern over the poor functioning of PRIs and urged the Govt to ensure that administration extends full cooperation to Sarpanchs and Panchs on account of release of funds and execution of works.
He said Lt Governor must intervene and ensure that PRIs, which were mandated to play key role in the developmental process, strengthened in the larger interest of people.
Senior Party leaders, DDC members, Block presidents and others were also present on the occasion.