Amarnath Disaster Some suggestions for inclusion in the Master plan

Prof.A K Watal, Er.Aakash
The recent flashflood in the Himalayan Range near Holy Amarnath Cave on Friday (July 8), which resulted in a heavy discharge of water in the ‘Nallah’, adjoining the holy cave; has once again thrown a challenge before the Administration and the technocrats , to find ways and means for avoiding losses due to such disasters in future .It can not be over exaggerated that such natural disasters can occur at any time,given the terrain, topography of the area and hostile climatic conditions.
The track between Sant Singh Pari and the Holy Cave is prone to such disasters, as can be traced from the history .The crevice and fissure in the glacier, in the year 1992 and the landslide which took place last year, stand testimony to this fact.There was a colossal human loss in nineties, but last year no human life was lost , as there were hardly any pilgrims there.
It can be recalled that, earlier we used to have this Yatra for a limited period of fifteen days , proceeding Raksha Bhandan nee Shravan Poornimah; but now with the interest of the people and increasing trends, the Yatra is extended ,almost by one month.Given the fragile eco system and vulnerable geological strata, together with sharp sloped mountains; it is quite a big and colossal challenge for the Amar Nath Shrine Board and the Technocrats to find viable solutions ,for minimizing the human losses ;in the event of such disasters in future.
Given the known facts of history of both the routes i.e Phalgam and Bal Tal; it is imperative to study all the mishaps and disasters that have taken place, at least for last 50 years. Then on the basis of genesis of such events , make the diagnoses and devise lasting case based remedial solutions.
The services of institutions like IIT, Soil Conservation Experts, hydrological experts, transport engineers, structural engineers, economists, metreologists and geological survey of India need to be utilized for finding ways and means to avoid such losses of life, property and wealth.
It is an agnized fact that such cloud bursts, flash floods and other natural calamities can not be precisely predicted ; but keeping in view the historical facts of the disasters, we should be able to find viable ways and means to either avoid such losses or at least minimize them.
Now that we have the Amarnath Shrine Board at the helm of affairs and lakhs of pilgrims visiting the shrine every year, we have a renewed economic vigour at our command and the funds ,therefore, should not be a constraint to implement well meaning and technically viable solutions ,in this regard. After all, any amount of compensation given to the heirs of the deceased or physically affected people/crippled/disabled has a naught value compared to the amount spent on pro-active measures, which could save the mankind from loss of life or property.
We need to appreciate that the number of pilgrims will keep on swelling , year after year. Simultaneously , we can not overlook the grave and hostile winter climatic conditions prevalent in the region and more so the limited working period available for any type of construction activity.
In this regard , we may have to study and follow the latest technologies being used for construction, under sea bed and in north pole/south pole areas. We can also take a reference from the cable car projects , already functioning at Gulmarg, Manali-Rohtang, Dharamshalla-Mcleodganj, Parwanoo and other places.
To overcome and avoid such disasters , the following short term measures by the Amarnath Shrine Board may be considered for implementation:-
To restrict the camping facility near Holy Cave only for the Pujaris, security personnel, Medical Staff, two to three langars, maintenance staff, some Horse sheds, pony wala sheds, rain shelters for yatris, Communication Room, NDRF/SDRF Staff, Water Supply and Electricity Staff and one Emergency Helipad.
It should be endeavor of the concerned to regulate the flow of yatris in such a way that no yatri is compelled to stay within the gorge area from Sant Singh Pari to Holy Cave ; enveloped by steep mountain slopes and thus prone to landslides and other upheavals , particularly during heavy rains or thunderstorms.
Thereby, meaning that the camping facility should be preferably in largely available plain areas, like panjtarni.
Thus the widening of track between Panjtarni and Holy Cave, on the right bank of Amaravati is exigent. The two way track for Ponies and Yatris (Up and Down), which is achievable within affordable budget and time, needs to be thought of. The geological challenge can not be overemphasized. That is, where technological expertise and institutional guidance may of great help.
The Bal Tal route , though short , poses threats and maintenance challenges to the engineers every year. Those challenges need to studied, diagnosed and treated for perennial solutions. It could be studied for a fair weather wide paved track , for yatris and ponies separately ,side by side.
1.For establishing cable cars, aerial Rope ways or tunnels, electric / solar power would be prime requirement, besides the standby sources.It could be studied ,if the discharge of Amaravati ( for Bal Tal Route ) and discharge from Sheshnag ( for Phalgam Route ) could be utilized for construction of underground power houses, on the routes ; to be transmitted to user stations(Padaves) through under ground cables , for longitivity and to avoid the severe winter vagaries.
2. Solar Power would be a big challenge , given the conditions of winter heavy snowfalls.
3. To make traditional Phalgam Route more convenient by:-
(i) Either extending the road facility uptoPanjtarni, in a phased manner.
(ii) To establish a Cable car facility between Chandanwari and Pissu Top and there after develop a good track via zagipal to Sheshnag.
(iii) Again ,establish a Cable car between Shesh Nag and wav Bal and thereafter a good paved track uptoPanjtarni.
( Iv ) Cable car/Aerial Ropeway between Panjtarni and Holy Cave.
The aim should be to make yatra terminable in less time ,with a capacity to handle more number of yatris; while avoiding stay in the gorge area between Sant Singh Pariand Holy Cave.
Bal Tal Route:-
The geological and geo-technical studies of the route need to be re-visited and the remedial measures taken accordingly.
The widening of the present track and making it two way would reduce the choking and ensure smooth flow of yatris.
Even some sort of tunneling , around constrictions and neck-areas could be seen for implementation.
The use of new construction techniques, methods, materials and machineries could be resorted to ensure quick and safe construction. The work could be done in phased manner to suit the budgets of the shrine Board. The work is challenging , but not impossible; particularly in view of the facts that our aim should be to contain the loss of men and property and the aftermath costs.