Amazing health benefits of Peepal Trees

The sacred Peepal tree native to Indian subcontinent is storehouse of Medicinal Values and is used to treat many diseases like Snake bite, Asthma, Skin diseases, Kidney diseases, constipation, Dysentery, impotency and various blood related problems says Acharya Bal Krishan
Pipal, the holy tree to Hindus and Buddhists worshiped since dawn of civilization has great medicinal value apart from religious significance.
The peepal tree leaves contain Glucose,Asteriod, Mennos,Phenolic while its bark is rich in Vitamin K, tainen,Phaetosteroline
All these ingredients make the peepal tree an exceptional medicinal tree.
According to Ayurveda, every part of the peepal tree – the leaf, bark, shoot, seeds, as well as the fruit, has several medicinal benefits. It is being used since ancient times for curing many diseases.
For Bleeding diarrhea, Take soft stems of peepal, coriander seeds,crystal sugar in equal quantity and mix them well and take its 3-4 grams twice a day and it is very useful in this disease
For lack of apetitie–intake of ripe fruits of peepal will help cure lack of apetite ,cough,pitta,blood related problems,burning sensation and vomitting etc
For stomach pain —-make paste of 2.5 leaves of a peepal plant and mix with 50 grams jaggery and make small tablets of the mixture and take it 3-4 times a day .and it will soothen the stomach pain .
For Asthma—-Take a bark of plant and its ripe fruits . Make their powder separately and mix them in equal quantities . In take of this mixture thrice in a day is very effective in this problem.
Make powder of dry fruits of peepal and take its 2-3 gram with water for 14 days twice a day and this will prove very effective.
For Snake Bite—–In case of Snake bite give 2-2 spoons of the extracts of Peepal Leaves 3-4 times and its leave to chew as it reduces the effect of poison
For Skin Diseases ——Eat the soft leaves of Peepal and the problem itching and other skin diseases are cured .Taking 40 ml tea of this leaf is equally effective .
Eczema itching —Take 50 gms peepali bark ash and add lime and ghee properly and make the paste of the mixture. Apply this paste on effective areas and it will prove soothing effects . Take 40 ml tea of peepal bark regularly and it will also be useful .
Crack in Heals —apply peepal leaves extracts or its milk on cracked hands and heels and it is very useful .
For Blood related problems –In the gastric etc related blood , take 40 ml kwath and five gms of honey and it will be very effective .
For blood purification —-Take 1-2 gm of peepal seeds powder and take it with honey twice a day and it will purify the blood.
For impotency —Take half spoon of peepal fruit powder thrice a day with milk . You will get rid of impotency and give strength to the body .
Equal quantity of peepal fruits, its roots, bark and shunthi may be mixed and treat it with milk and then add sugar candy and honey in it and take the mixture twice a day and it will improve sex power .
Take equal quantity of peepal fruit, roots,bark and shunga and add sugar and honey in it .It will increase sex power
For constipation—Take 5-10 fruits of peepal daily and it will cure the problem of constipation permanently
For Liver spline disease —–Take 3-4 fresh leaves of Peepal and mix crystal sugar in it and make its powder . Mix the powder in 250 ml water and then filter the mixture . This squash has to be given twice a day to the patient for 5 days .This medicine is very effective for patient of Jaundice.
For Swelling in Spline—-Take 10-20 gms of peepal bark and burn it out and add equal quantity of Kalmi Shora and pour it in ripe banana and eat one such banana each day and it will cure swelling of spline swelling .
For Hiccups—Take 50-100 gms bark of peepal and make tis charcoal and extinguish it in water . The intake of this water is very useful for patients of Hiccups
For Eye Pains—Take the milk of the leaves of the plant and apply on the eye. It will cure eye pains
For Teeth Disease—Take barks of both peepal and banian tree in equal quantity and mix them well and boil the mixture in hot water . use it for rinsing in the mouth and it will cure teeth pain.