Ambardar interacted with KPs in Mumbai

Excelsior Correspondent

MUMBAI, Oct 25: BJP leader and MLC, Surinder Ambardar met and interacted with KPs in Mumbai today during his tour to reach out to displaced Pandits living in cities likes Mumbai, Pune and Bangalore.
Ashwani Bhat, general secretary of Kashmiri Pandit Association (KPA) Mumbai honoured Mr Ambardar. He in his address asked the members of the community to share their concerns and thoughts with Ambardar.
One of the representatives of KPA Mr Sadhu presented a detailed analysis of the situation in Kashmir and its ramifications for the KPs. C L Raina raised a very pertinent issue of families which are not registered as migrants especially in cities like Mumbai. K K Dhar mentioned that he has been living in Mumbai from 36 years and he is concerned about not having a united voice. Sunil Bhat sought his views on what should be the role of youngsters and what could be the common agenda for the community. Ms Kamini Kaul shared a similar thought. M K Kar who has been living in Mumbai for more than 48 years wanted to know how safe are the KPs who are working in Kashmir currently under PMs package.
Ashwani Gadoo raised the issue of many KPs not having received State Subject certificates. Sunil Mattoo asked for guidance to promote the culture through drama etc. Anil Tiku wanted to know what is the plan regarding the return of KPs and what is being done regarding the jobs for KP youth putting up at Jammu. Sirahns Peshin asked about the Governments plan for next 10 years. Rakesh Roshan Bhat said MLCs efforts to connect with KPs living in different parts of country would go in long way in unification of KPs on a common platform.
Mr Ambardar said he is on a mission to meet the KPs putting up in different parts. He has reserved first year of his tenure to reach out and meet the KPs. He said no where in the history there is any instance where a minuscule minority like ours has survived an exile, but we have. That proves that KPs are very resilient. They are nationalists to the core and would never compromise its integrity. They have a rich legacy of 5000 years and contributions in all spheres of life to the humanity and the world.
He said that it is just a matter of time that there would be consensus and KPs would return to Kashmir. The yearning to go back is there for everyone to see.