Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 11: Amit Sharma, Secretary to Government, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT), Mizoram chaired two important Digital India related workshops held here in Aizawl.
The workshops were organised with the primary objective of preparing Mizoram for knowledge-based transformation into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.
While inaugurating the workshops, Amit Sharma said, “In order to achieve desired goals towards technology implementation across the board in all states of the nation, uniform e-Governance Standards and Guidelines are very important. These kinds of Workshops must be held on a regular basis especially in North-Eastern states, which are constantly pushing towards implementing e-Governance reforms.”
He also shared various perspectives, views, experiences and insights on various Government initiatives, whole of Govt. approach, Digitization, Digi Locker (an Initiative towards paperless Governance), BHASHINI (National Language Translation Mission) and many more.
Addressing during another workshop Amit Sharma addressed the Secretariat officials and requested them to take maximum advantage of these lead programmes and softwares meant for citizens of the nation and after attending the workshop.
He requested that all officials should disseminate this knowledge gained here with other colleagues, families and friends so that maximum people can take advantage of same.
Sharma expressed gratitude towards Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune, and Standardization Testing and Quality Certification (STQC) Directorate, New Delhi for organizing these workshops in Mizoram.