Amrit Kalash Yatra’s second-phase program held at Spituk, Thiksay

A dignitary speaking during an event organised as part of the Amrit Kalash Yatra’s second phase program in Leh on Thursday.
A dignitary speaking during an event organised as part of the Amrit Kalash Yatra’s second phase program in Leh on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Oct 12: The second-phase programme of the Amrit Kalash Yatra as part of the “Meri Maati, Mera Desh” campaign took place in Spituk on October 11 and Thiksay on October 12, 2023.
The chief guest for the event in Spituk was Yangchan Dolma, the wife of the late Shaheed Subedar Lobzang Chotak, a Veer Chakra awardee.
The program commenced with a welcome speech by BDO Leh, Tsering Wangchuk, and a Panch Pran Pledge taken by the guests and participants.
The event featured speeches from Assistant Commandant Balkar Singh, Councillor Phyang Tundup Nurboo, BDC Leh Dr Skalzang Dorjey, among others. A cultural program added color to the occasion.
During the program, Sarpanches transferred soil (mitti) from Panchayats to the block-level Kalash, besides felicitation of Yangchan Dolma by Councillor Phyang, BDC Leh, and the ITBP Commandant.
The gathering included ITBP Deputy Commandant Ranveer Pratap Singh, 16th Battalion ITBP Leh; Assistant Commandant Amit Jha; Sarpanches from all Panchayats of Leh block; headmasters, teachers, and students from Government Primary and Middle School Spituk; official and youth volunteers from NYK, and BDO Leh staff.
Similarly, the Amrit Kalash Yatra was held at Block Headquarters Thiksay today. Sonam Tundup, the son of late Sonam Stopdan, Sub Major, MVC, SM, served as the chief guest, and Executive Councillor LAHDC, Leh, Stanzin Chospel was the guest of honor.
One of the highlights of the event was the collection of soil (Matti) from each Panchayat, which was then ceremoniously mixed in a single container at the block level. Councillor Thiksay, BDO, and Assistant Commandant ITBP shared their insights, and the program concluded with the national anthem.
The Amrit Kalash Yatra in Thiksay was attended by Anil Kumar Jha, Assistant Commandant ITBP Choglamsar, along with ITBP officers and Jawans; Tsering Wangchuk, BDO, and Officials of Thiksay Block; the Head Master of Government High School Thiksay; Sarpanches and PRI members of Thiksay Block, and villagers of Thiksay Block.