An end-of-the-year miracle for the children of Rwanda

Eight hundred thousand people savagely murdered and millions displaced from their homes; the 1994 Rwandan genocide left the country’s institutions and population in ruins. Fast forward two and a half decades, the country and its people are still in dire need for financial and humanitarian support.

A Beautiful humanitarian Initiative

Inspired by the global humanitarian mission led by the Foundation Heron in September 2019, which launched a screening campaign and offered Rwandan children healthcare support, a group of private investors took a moving initiative. Backed by the Monumation Group‘s philanthropy program, they launched an end-of-the-year fundraising campaign to support education and offer financial relief to the children of t he Kibungo province in Rwanda.

A Christmas Miracle

In December 2019, moved by the stories of very young African children living with the bare minimum and often walking for several hours on dirt roads to get to school, generous benefactors massively responded to the call by Monumation Group for donations. The campaign highlighted that even children who were lucky enough to have access to education were lacking the necessary school supplies and books; preventing the next generation of African leaders from emerging and accessing secondary and tertiary education. In only 48 hours, the fundraiser objective was met as $1 million was raised to purchase school supplies and textbooks in both French and Kinyarwanda, the official local language.

Delivering late Christmas presents

A mission of several representatives from Monumation Group is set to deliver the school supplies and meet the children in February of 2020. In the meantime, let’s hope this incredible act of charity and kindness will inspire others to do the same. Monumation Group is a Vienna-based family office which caters to the needs of global wealthy families and ultra-net-worth individuals. Its philanthropy program has already benefited a variety of NGOs and communities worldwide.