An exploration of life

Shailja Parihar

Name of the book: “The Rising of Modern Durga”
Genre: Self-help
Author: Aarushi Sharma
Pen name: Aura
Language: English
No. Of pages: 98
Year of Publication: 2023
Price: Rs 199
Publisher: Rosewood Publications, Amazon.

“The Rising of Modern Durga” is the maiden book in the series of Self-help from the pen of Aarushi Sharma. Aarushi Sharma, a multifaceted professional with diverse work experiences, unveils her literary prowess with her debut work, “The Rising of Modern Durga.” Amidst her varied career roles, Aarushi’s unwavering passion for writing has been a constant. Rooted in spirituality and a staunch belief in simplicity, her narrative weaves together the modern and sacred blend of words, offering readers a captivating journey through the pages of her first book.
“The Rising of Modern Durga” encapsulates the author’s profound journey through a pivotal phase of her life, unveiling the enigmatic nature of existence. Life, as described by the author, is akin to a mystery box, and she, in the midst of transitions, grapples with the unknown that lies within. The narrative unfolds as a testament to the author’s vulnerability, as she lays bare her heart and weaves a tapestry of experiences with the delicate beads of words. Each stanza in this text is jewel and reflects the refined and pious soul of words which is rare in Kalyuga. Going through the book is like having a joyride where it convinces the readers to realize the beauty of nothingness and oneness. Anyone who would read the book with open and unbiased mind will feel special in his/her own presence. That’s the beauty of this literary piece. We all are ordinary human beings with extraordinary spirit. Let’s adorn our heart, mind and soul with the grace of divine. Maa Durga is in all of us in the form of shakti which is true embodiment of love, compassion, knowledge, and strength. Her holy characterization is not bound by words, nor it can ever be, but meditating upon her and loving her genuinely with devotion, she purifies our mind and blesses us with her grace. This literary offering becomes a beautiful saga, portraying the author’s evolution from mundane worldly narratives to the discovery and establishment of a serene abode within herself. The reader is invited to witness a transformative journey, where the author’s narrative becomes a mirror reflecting the resilience and strength found within.
What sets this book apart is the author’s unique blend of a pragmatic and idealistic approach to life. Through her words, she becomes a guiding light, imparting wisdom on navigating life’s most formidable challenges. The narrative acts as a compass, steering the reader through the labyrinth of adversities with a harmonious fusion of practicality and lofty ideals. The author’s objective vision to see life and connect it with Purushaarth states how an individual amasses strength to walk on the Noble path which majority of people in Kalyug refrain to follow.
Everyone wants healing for self but at the cost of others’ suffering. Hence a vicious cycle of Suffering keeps going on and on.The whole journey of ten chapters showcase the evolution of an individual , how to utilize the odds of life in favour with a strong call to action- Higher the quantum of pain, higher there will be calling of Awakening and how one turns into a seeker. The last column of the book apart from all chapters puts emphasis on kuch Ruhaani Alfaaz (words from soul) add icing on the cake with its crisp glorified description about the individuality. Rest reading the book is itself an experience and being a reviewer, it is difficult to express the pristine and divine soul of book into is must read for everyone and I can read it one thousand times , such is the simplicity of this holy narrative.
“The Rising of Modern Durga” is not merely a book; it is a gift to the world. The reader has extended an invitation to delve into the profound insights offered by Ms. Aarushi Sharma. The author’s generosity in sharing her experiences and the resulting wisdom is acknowledged with deepest regard and gratitude. In this legendary work, she unveils a noble path where the welfare of humanity takes precedence, and worldly negativity dissipates, leaving only the serene embrace of bliss and peace.
A heartfelt thank you is extended to Ms. Aarushi Sharma, with folded hands, for mentoring readers on how to blossom into the lotus of their own lives. The book serves as a beacon, illuminating the way toward self-discovery and enlightenment. In the spirit of gratitude and respect, readers join in a collective to express appreciation for the profound impact of “The Rising of Modern Durga.” It is easily available on Amazon at a very economical price so that everyone can buy it and share it with our those family like friends who treat books as their good companion.