Dinesh Gupta
World Red Cross Day is observed on May 8 every year globally being the birth anniversary of Jean Henry Dunant, founder of this great humanitarian movement. He was born on 8th May, 1828. He was founder of International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and the recipient of the first Nobel Peace Prize.1901. After a traumatic personal experience of battle in Solferino, Mr. Dunant, a Swiss businessman wrote a book: ‘A Memory of Solferino” and pleaded for formation in all countries voluntary relief societies to work in the battle-fields. And in 1864 the first Red Cross Society came into being. Initially it was confined to medical care and welfare of wounded soldiers but later on undertook other welfare works as well. Red Cross on a white background (derived from the Swiss flag) has been adopted as its symbol and it serves the people without any consideration of caste, creed, colour or faith.Currently, 190 National Societies are Members of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC).
The year 2020 is also the Centenary year of Indian Red Cross Society.
Theme of World Red Cross Day is “Keep Clapping for Volunteers”
Origin of Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS): It came into being in 1920 under the IRCS Act and incorporated under Parliament Act XV of 1920 last amended in 1992.The IRCS has 35 State/UT Branches and over 1100 District/Sub-District Branches all over India. The President of India remains the President and Union Health Minister remains Chairman of the Society.
At State/UT level, Governor/Lt. Governor is its President, CM is the Vice-President while at Division level, Divisional Commissioner is its Chairman and at District level DC is the Chairman .Apart from this many senior government functionaries are ex-officio members of Red Cross.
Constitution of J&K Red Cross: Unlike other States/UTs, J&K Red Cross has three tier structures i.e. UT Branch/Regional Branches, Jammu/Kashmir and District Branches one in each District. The J&K State Branch was established in the year 1947, Jammu Regional Branch wef October, 1963 and District Branches were created in 1984
Governance and Finance- : There is no regular source of fundings except for Membership fee, voluntary contribution of government employees, from student community and Red Cross Mela’s if held. For the smooth functioning of the Red Cross Society at all levels, save guards provided in the constitution needs to be followed in letter and spirit at all levels i) Formation of the effective Managing Committees, conduct of regular formal periodical meetings and decisions arrived in the meeting/s needs to be implemented. ii) There is a dual signature and double entry system for the financial transactions. iii) The accounts of the Branches are audited timely from the approved auditors. iv) strict financial discipline is essentially observed Iv) Full time non-official experienced and socially connected person/s to be placed as Secretary at all levels for a reasonable period so that proper upkeep of records, store inventories, preparation of budgets, receipts and payments, conducts of meetings, organizing number of welfare activities, plan future activities and develop good rapport with other well meaning NGOs is done.. To ensure proper follow-up of the safe guards, here in J&K, a complete review is urgently called for.
Activities/Events: IRCS being the largest Statutory Humanitarian Organisation established with the sole motto of helping the sick and sufferings and have its presence in all the Districts throughout the country with invaluable support of thousands of Volunteers and Life Members is doing tremendously well in many parts of the country. Record number of Volunteers are trained in First Aid/Social and Emergency Response Volunteers Training Programmes, Trainings on Disaster Managements but in J&K it needs to be strengthened manifold so that it takes the Leadership and with the help of all other organizations, act in the manner expected at the UT, Region and District level.
Livelihood Project: Sustainable non-profit making Projects for providing training to young widows and destitute women especially for Border areas and in rural, semi-urban and urban areas for their livelihood can be thought of and started early. Ground work has already been done.
First Aid Training Programme for the Border Areas and to public under the aegis of St.John Ambulance (India): Project already prepared for imparting proper First-Aid Training to a)VLW/MPW of Rural department, b) RETs of Education Department c) teachers of local Pvt. Schools d) Asha Workers e) Anganwadi Workers f) Ex-servicemen of the area. Proper training centre needs to be developed and regular training needs to be imparted. This training will benefit the locals and help in case of injuries etc. may be during firing or accidents or otherwise.
Need of the Hour: In J&K, every now and then, there is firing from across the Border and civilians are also losing their lives, getting wounded, homeless may it be Border Districts of Jammu or Kashmir Division. Red Cross needs to help them timely and adequately. Militant activities are also continuing since long causing deaths and injuries to civilians as well. Militancy affected families staying at Talwara, District Reasi are in miserable conditions. Red Cross need to conduct periodical surveys of families of Border firing victims, militancy affected families, road accident/mine blast victims, Divyangs, Cancer/ Patients, elderly persons living in isolations requiring help, persons mentally sick, abounded/persons in distress and children requiring financial/material and medical helps etc. and based on the inputs collected, proper data-base is created and issues/problems emerged are analyzed, discussed in Managing Committees at Region/Districts and in consultations therein decide the ways and means for timely helping the poor needy. Providing of ambulance service to poor needy, organizing Voluntary Blood Donation Camps and motivating people especially the youth to come forward for Voluntary Blood Donation and give Pledges for Eye Donations are some other important areas where the Red Cross can play a very vital role. Whenever and wherever, the Red Cross team goes they should be looked up as angels of hope and relief and must be fully respected. Opening of JanAushdi Stores by all District Branches like the Regional Branch has already opened near GMCH, Jammu is another area where Red Cross can help the poor patients as well as earn profit and creditability.
Government Role: Indian Red Cross Society is an auxiliary to the government and the Government help is of utmost importance. Formation of effective Managing Committees, Appointment of full time suitable Secretaries for sufficient time from the Public, Follow-up of rules, Transparency in all deeds, Financial Discipline, Conduct of proper formal periodical meetings, Preparation of realistic Budget in the respective Branch Committee Meetings, Extending full support to the Red Cross Societies for the welfare activities, Nominations of the key functionaries of Red Cross in various important committees of the Government and declaration of Red Cross Society as Nodal Organization for Relief and Rehabilitation works during any epidemic, disasters etc. at UT/Region/District Level are some of the key areas where the Government can help and if it is done, not only the creditability of Red Cross will enhance but with the experience gained, this society will be in a better position to carry-out its duties and responsibilities enshrined in the constitution of Red Cross Society and shall be proved to be real auxiliary to Govt.also. The purpose of writing this all is nothing else but to see that Red Cross Society being a very Pious organization works in a much more organized manner and respond timely and adequately and people in need should feel that Red Cross and its Volunteers have reached , now not to worry.
(The author is former AGM, RBI and Past Hony. Secretary of IRCS, Jammu District and immediate Past Regional Secretary, IRCS, Jammu)