Anarchy theory of Left for power

Dr Satya Dev Gupta
The Left ideology has a peculiar virtue since it has shadowed almost the entire world. It is flourishing in the democratic countries even in the oldest and largest people Republics, USA and India. Although the original concept of “Economic Socialism or Marxism” which was the basic concept of “KARL MARX” has vanished from the states where it flourished more than 5 decades. USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) has broken in many parts but it didn’t mean that communism suffered a big jolt but in a true sense, it became a game of sacrifice of a Chess Pawn for a better move to capture the King. There was a time in the fifties to seventies when it was considered a big crime in the USA (United States of AMERICA) where no-one could have the courage to declare him as a follower of “Left philosophy” but now in the Western world particularly the USA, Communists modified themselves to become “Left Liberals” and progressive, thus cutting all the nationalistic boundaries, it has obtained in the global dimensions. More than 25 percent of youth are bewitched by the Red Bath Revolution but still many people contemplate it as good or bad. The classical “Economic Marxism,” has been refashioned into “Cultural Socialism or Marxism” the term coined by FRANKFURT SCHOOL in Germany, it is based on the fact that there must be endless conflicts in the society. In “Economic Marxism” anarchy, bloodshed ends, and all become equal, but what did Have-Nots received, then what could be the next course? For endless disputes, it is mandatory to generate the new issues suitable from time to time, which could create conflicts in democratic based nations and paving the ways for political empowerment by using the advantages of rights of that setup by any means. A strange miracle is that it is inconspicuous, unseen, covert, deceptive, and disguised.
It was Germany that was the Cradle for Marxism, not Russia. The “Frankfurt School” was founded in 1923 by Carl Grünberg, a Marxist professor and adjunct Marxist professor of law at the University of Vienna. Now, this philosophy has attained the global dimensions. The central argument of critical theory is that all knowledge, even the most scientific or commonsensical is historical and broadly political in nature. Critical theorists argue that knowledge is shaped by human interests of different kinds, rather than standing “objectively ” independent from these interests.
Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Marxist philosopher, journalist, linguist, writer, and politician. He wrote on philosophy, political theory, sociology, history, and linguistics. He was a founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy and was imprisoned by Benito Mussolini’s Fascist regime. Gramsci coined another term Cultural hegemony that provides the status quo which enables the dominant status group to not question the current state of affairs. Hegemony is not just cultural, it can occur economically, politically, morally, ethically, intellectually, and in other ways. This novel concept advocates that real power lies in teaching institutions, industries, and many people flock together and exchange their views.
Post modernism by left in political science believing that the political science problems which cannot be discussed traditionally should be managed by other means of “draft-age youth whose identity is claimed in a ‘national narratives of ‘national security’ and universalizing narratives of the ”rights of man”’ of “the woman whose very womb is claimed by narratives of ‘ Church’ ‘paternity’, ‘economy’ liberal policy. These Left ideologues showing their effect in the Western world but in our country indented to subvert and erode prestigious age-old “Sanatan Philosophy”.
In India, our “Varan Vyavstha” where one could adapt job-based profession is nomenclature as “Caste System “. Historically more than 8000 years old civilization has been modified and contemplated as it fitted into western and Islamic “Time Line”. Our festivals are also targeted by false and wrong narratives coined by Left Liberals and their influenced institutions, NGOs (Non-Voluntary “foreign-funded” Organizations). In “Holi” festival wastage of water, “Raksha Bandhan” festivals of tender and poised relationships between brothers and sisters were denounced and criticized on issues of “woman lib”, “Vijayadashami” reprobated on other grounds. The great festival of “Deepawali” is projected as massive air pollution. Animals slaughtering on Eid Al-Adha considered a poised and religious festival of peace, mercy, sacrifice, brotherhood etc. but with shutting eyes on bloodshed pollution. Any welcome step by the legitimate government is criticized for the sake of criticism. The traditional family values are tarnished and the new generation is encouraged to leave them. Hindus and “Sanatan Gods” fell victim to ridiculous commitments
Indian Context : After independence Left philosophy followers were dominant in political scenarios. Indian National Congress under the leadership of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru had Left ideology. They were blind followers of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and the People’s Republic of China (Communist China). Pt Nehru under the garb of Socialism a well-accepted soft word changed the true essence of Indian culture, heritage, and civilization. Had China not waged a war against India, it would have become a Communist country. Ultra-Leftists were ready to welcome with garlands to Chinese forces. Left has named the “Nehruvian” ideological bent towards communism as “Idea of India” He has undermined and damaged the age-old “Sanatan Sanskriti”.
Although a lot of damage was done by foreign invaders but much destruction had been done after so-called independence. The changes in Administration, Education, History, Social fabric, Arts and Culture, Values of civil society have been ridiculously destroyed. In history books “Sanatan Philosophy” shown with an evils-ridden society loaded with Idol worship, different cultural heritage, but how could it harm human values and offend others? From very beginning the education fabric has been ruined and shattered by the education ministers in Pt Nehru time by incorporating the personnel who didn’t know the Indian culture and its essence except K.L. Shrimali, who was removed from the post in a short time. In post emergency period of Indira Gandhi, ‘Education System’ was handed over to the Left. Damaging history writing was done by “Left Liberal” like Vipin Chander, Ram Chander Guha, Irfan Habib, Romila Thaper etc. who didn’t ever read Sanskrit and went on commenting on Vedas and other ancient books. There are four stages to demolish a society: (1) Demoralization (2) Destabilization (3) Crisis (4) Revolution, Stabilization, and grab the political power. Saul Alinsky, an American community activist, and political theorist has also mentioned in his creation “Rules for Radicals”. We, the Indians have been kept deliberately dark from our prestigious past heritage. Those who had plundered our glorious civilization are described as great, kind-hearted, and have been ridiculously projected as our heroes. The real warriors who fought against these barbarians were tarnished. We have crossed the stage (1) of Demoralization and now stage (2) is in progress; Congress, Left-liberals, Islamic fundamentalists, and democratically defeated groups are bent upon destabilizing the Constitutionally elected government.
NEXUS AND CONSPIRACY: An Italian political thinker Antonio Gramsci describes that power does not lie in the capital cities but it resides in education institutions where the youngsters could be infused with the suited ideas and from where a force inclined to “Rules for Radicals” could be generated. The Left Liberals are aggressively utilizing this scheme. So-called “Urban Naxals” are imparting the training to the favoured students. A lot of foreign funding is augmenting their endeavors. Foreign infiltrators, Rohingya and Bangladeshi have become the arrows in their hands to be shot as and when required. Islamic fundamentalists and separatists have emerged as their swords and Designer Media, infamous Jury and other intellectuals are acting shields to save the anarchists from the legal onslaught. It is now has become mandatory for the democratic countries to come together and make the laws to fight against this devil of the Left to save the democratic values from global inconspicuous, unseen, covert, deceptive, and disguised ‘Left Devil’.
(The author is Ex-Head of Intensive Care Unit & Department of Anesthesia Government Medical College Jammu)