Andrabi conducts late night extensive tour of Srinagar city

SRINAGAR:  In order to check the availability and status of power supply and functioning of street lights in Srinagar City, Minister of State for Hajj & Auqaf, PHE and Irrigation & Flood Control, Power Development, Industries & Commerce,  Farooq Ahmad Andrabi conducted a extensive tour of various areas of city late last night.

Chief Engineer PDD Kashmir, Shahnaz Goni, Superintending Engineer PDD Aijaz Ahmed Dar, Executive Engineers and other senior officers accompanied the Minister during his surprise tour.

The Minister started his late night city tour from Jawahar Nagar and then visited, Abi Nowpora, Khanyar, Rainawari, Saidakadal, Nigeen, Hazratbal, Kanitar, Lal Bazar, Zadibal, Nowshera, Soura, Eidgah, Jamia Masjid, Nowhatta, Maharaja Gunj, Zaina Kadal, Alikadal, Khanqai Moualla, Nawabazar, Kaksarai, Karan Nagar, Fateh Kadal, Baba Dam, and Khayam Chowk.

During the visit, the Minister personally checked the functioning of street lights and directed the concerned officers for making defunct lights functional immediately. He also asked them to replace old yellow lights with LED lights which helps in saving power too.

The Minister was apprised that the department is in the process of installing High Mast LED lights and have already installed at various places in the city. The Minister asked the concerned to install more lights in the city at important chowks and busy areas for the convenience of the commuters.

The Minister also halted at various places and interacted with the locals and inquired about the functioning of street lights. He directed the officers to regularly monitor the functioning of street lights so that the defunct lights can be repaired immediately. He also asked them to ensure that street lights near to the Masjids and Dargahs to be remain functional in view of upcoming holy month of Ramzan.

He asked the concerned officers to coordinate with all the departments who have installed street lights including, Tourism and Urban Development Department so that repairs and maintenance works can be done in a smooth manner without causing inconvenience to the people. He further asked them to install street lights in the areas which were remained unattended.

The Minister said that it was the concern of Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti to overcome from the loss to the power infrastructure during 2014 floods in which the department had lost its infrastructure on bigger scale. He said the PDP-BJP coalition government after taking over the power, initiated the repair and other power related works but could not done much because of last year unrest in the valley. He said that the department is now working 24X7 to provide uninterrupted power supply to the people besides creating power infrastructure in the state.

The government has initiated many projects for the overall development of the state and people are witnessing the positive change on the ground, the Minister said adding that Srinagar being an International tourist destination, it is the responsibility of the government to develop it on the modern lines and many projects are being executed to attract more tourists to this beautiful city.

The Minister asked the officers of the department to put in their sincere efforts in rendering their services to the people of the state. He said the power department is the important department and people expect better services from them.