Anganwadi workers, helpers hold protest demonstration

Anganwadi workers and helpers staging protest demonstration near Press Club in Jammu on Monday. —Excelsior/ Rakesh
Anganwadi workers and helpers staging protest demonstration near Press Club in Jammu on Monday. —Excelsior/ Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 15: Anganw-adi  workers and helpers of  the ICDS projects of State Social  Welfare Department held protest demonstration in support of their demands at Exhibition Ground near Press Club here today.
The  female Anganwadi workers and helpers   from various ICDS projects in Jammu district led by their leaders  Swarna Choudhary and Neelam Kumari and  assisted by  Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh leader Ashok Choudhary reached Dogra Chowk near Press Club in the morning and started protest demonstration.
They were shouting slogans in support of their demands. The workers were demanding regularization, enhancement of  their wages,   providing wages in time and clear pending arrears,  release of  seniority list and providing promotions as Supervisors. They also demanded withdrawal of  the order with regard to the ouster of some Anganwadi workers issued by previous BJP-PDP Govt. They also alleged harassment from the department.
The workers decided to take put protest rally  towards Civil Secretariat but they were stopped at Dogra Chowk and were not allowed to move ahead towards Gumat Road.  They showed some resistance but the lady police constables foiled their protest march. Later, they dispersed staging protest demonstration at the same venue for some time.


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