Animal Husbandry and rural women

Prof. (Dr) R D Gupta

In India, rural women  constitute the largest group of people working on agriculture and animal husbandry. In rural areas, animal husbandry is in general considered as a job of farm women. Studies carried out on women’s role in the country reveal that women share major burden of livestock management and much of the credit goes to them for phenomenal increase in milk production. In the light of women’s contribution as is evident from FAO publication (1991) having title “Most farmers in India are women” (Jilani et al 2007). Multidimensional jobs carried out by the women in the area of animal husbandry are as follows :
Role in management of dairy:  It has been found that women can manage the dairy animals in a better way than men. There is a general agreement that women can handle most of the critical aspects of dairy animals management nicely. Such aspects consist mostly of feeding, breeding, milking, cleaning, care of new born claves and sick animals. Sometimes rural women have also to manage marketing of animal’s produce and arrange the supply of feed and fodder for the cattle. The contribution of rural women towards dairy animal nutrition and fuel need of the family is as imperative as milk for sale. Rural women are well versed with each of animal’s behavior and production characteristics. They also possess good knowledge about local feed resources like ability to identify beneficial grasses, fodder trees, legumes etc for feeding of dairy animals. Although the experiences of women regarding animal diseases and production are ignored yet they can solve such problems in a nice manner. Studies conducted at various levels have shown a woman can very easily look after upon 3-4 cross bred cows in addition to taking care of her own family. From rearing these cows, she can earn an annual income of Rs 20,000-24,000. It is point to mention that women folk prefer to rear those dairy animals, whose fat percent of milk and production is persistant. It  has been observed that in dairying profession more than 75 million women are involved as against 15 million men.
Goat/sheep rearing is the common profession in North Western Himalayan states like Uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. It is mostly rural women’s domain, except amongst pastoralist families and is inversely related to socio-economic status. Majority of landless and small land holders of  rural families rear more sheep and goats. Goats sheep are rather preferred to rear, since they are easily manageable and need low external inputs.
The most important feature of goat and sheep production, particularly in the hilly terrain of Garhwal, Uttrakhand, is the common practice of rearing and feeding goats to tie stake during day and night at room/ shed as against  predominantly grazing system in other parts of the country. Average number of goats reared by a family in Garhwal hill is generally between 1 and 5. Women are not in favour of increasing their number from 6 to 8 considering availability of time and resources as compared to men who are interested to rear more than this figure. Further, it is added that the women shun to sell female goats for meat and always sell them for breeding purposes. Goat/sheep production besides providing direct benefit to the women also ameliorates nutrition of underprivileged family groups.
Role of women in backyard poultry farming :  Backyard poultry is a traditional and an old age practice of the under privileged society particularly of north western Himalayan states including Garhwal Himalayas. The whole of this profession like managing and caring of poultry birds both for egg and table purposes can entirely be entrusted to farm women who can devote their leisure in this gainful avocation of the society.
Backyard poultry farming has lot of economic cultural and entertainment values. Moreover, it is cheap source of nutrition. Studies have shown that apart from good source of nutrition and high quality food for the family this profession provides small cash for women through sale of eggs and birds.
Additionally, poultry manure obtained from the small poultry farming units is much more rich in plant’s nutrients both major (N,P,K,Ca, Mg,S) and minor (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Mo, B and Cl) and as such contributes in enhanging the soil fertility.
Many of the rural women prefer to rear indigenous multicoloured poultry brids. It is because, these birds produce somewhat brown shell eggs which are much in demand in rural/urban areas. Besides, such type of poultry birds are easily manageable, ecofriendly and can be fed on home produced food grains and wastes of kitchens.
* Livestock status can be improved by selecting and proper utilization of native animal genetic resources.
* Provide better feed and fodder. The owners of the livestock are required to feed the tree leaves of Luecoena leucocephala, Robinia pseudocasia to milch animals, wherever it is possible. It is because they contain more protein as compared to other tree leaves and as such there is increase in milk yield. These tree species also provide fuel wood and timber for domestic use.
* Develop natural pastures and grasslands by reclaiming wastelands. While developing the grasslands, the preference must be given to grow local species of grasses.
* Plantation of quality fodder tree species of improved varieties be given preference. Creation of fodder bank for lean period is the need of the day.
* Control of animal diseases and vaccination should be done at the proper time.
* Regular training programmes for women on the latest technologies of sheep and goats production, and an update management should be organized both by the concerned departments and agricultural universities.
* Farm enterprises like agroforestry, sericulture and aquaculture  should also be started by the women as these are also their monopoly. These farm activities will also provide food, fodder, timber, fertilizers etc.
* Storage facilities  for eggs and day old chicken are required to be provided.
* To make backyard poultry rearing a profitable venture the rural women must be well trained in a more scientific way.