Another cache of arms has been recovered by the Jammu and Kashmir Police, this time in a bag, and as per circumstantial evidence, it seems to have been dropped again by drones. Only last week, there was a huge blast near IB at Kathua. These are not isolated incidents; Pakistan has made consistent efforts to smuggle arms and ammunition through drones to indulge in some major terror attacks. There have been instances in Jammu and Kashmir where drones have reportedly been used for arm drops. In recent years, there has been a surge in the use of drones in the region, particularly along the International Border (IB), for smuggling arms, ammunition, and drugs.
In June 2021, two drones carrying explosives were used in a terrorist attack on an Indian Air Force base in Jammu. The use of drones for arm drops poses a serious threat to national security, as it allows terrorists to bypass traditional border security measures and infiltrate the country. It is a challenging task to detect and intercept drones due to their small size and ability to fly at low altitudes, making them difficult to detect by radar. The Government has taken several steps to address the issue, including the establishment of anti-drone systems and the use of technology to detect and intercept drones. The Indian Army and other security agencies are also using advanced technology, such as sensors and cameras, to monitor and track the movement of drones along the border. Overall, the use of drones for arm drops is a serious security concern, and the Government needs to continue to invest in technology and infrastructure to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. We cannot lower our guard at all as the enemy is consistently trying to fan some trouble, especially with G20 meetings in Kashmir.