Another cross border tunnel detected

Old habits die hard but with Pakistan, it seems not dying at all. Mischief, burrowing tunnels originating from Pakistani side and opening on this side, sending armed infiltrators, plots hatched to bomb places of worship on this side, border violations, using drones in dropping weapons, indoctrinating terrorists and pushing them to this side to get killed and the like are some of such nefarious activities which Pakistan is all about in perception and conviction.
A 150 meters long tunnel possibly dug during the period 2016-17 originating from Shakargarh forward village, recently detected by the BSF denotes how low like petty thieves and lawless Highwaymen, Pakistani elements can stoop to facilitate sending their trained terrorists and drug criminals through such modes to this side. All these decades such Pakistani intrusions have resulted in their utter frustrations and failures in every form and nothing except in getting their infiltrators neutralised while Jammu and Kashmir is marching ahead towards peace and progress unlike the areas under Pakistani occupation reeling under internal rebellion, discontent against Pakistan besides facing unprecedented economic backwardness, unemployment and spine breaking inflation. Sand bags with Pakistani markings used in burrowing the tunnel and found by the BSF are clear and open evidence of to what levels Pakistan can plummet.