Another PHE scam

Another case of embezzlement has come to light. The 1980 Water Supply Scheme for the Chanapora-Zabgulla area of Budgam district, then mooted at a cost of 1.46 crore rupees and later on enhanced to 6.23 crore rupees, remains on paper only. On the ground, except for laying a few supply pipes nothing exists. This contrivance has been the brainchild of officials and contractors with vested interest. For three consecutive years the authorities were told that the project had been completed. It is a classical example of hoodwinking and misleading. Only when the elected representatives raised hue and cry did the authorities move and then began deep probing into the case. Usual norms of seeing the case through various layers of enquiries took its time and now the Minister in charge of PHE Department has ordered detailed enquiry into the case and fixing of responsibility. How come those officials involved in the scandal could mislead the District Development Board for three consecutive years? How come that the protestations of the elected representatives made no impact for three years?  This is unexplainable. While officials have been greasing their palms, people in the said area have been thirsting for drinking water. This is a sordid state of affairs and unless the culprits are brought to book the situation may not improve.