MUMBAI: Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap on Monday announced that he has started a new production company, ‘Good Bad Films.’
The director, who was earlier the co-founder of the now-dissolved Phantom Films, took to Instagram to share the company’s logo and pictures of his two partners- Dhruv Jagasia and Akshay Thakker.
Kashyap’s upcoming feature “Choked”, set to stream on Netflix from June 5, is the first film made under the banner.
“So here it is, our new company @goodbadfilmsofficial. Introducing the good, the bad and the films of the @goodbadfilms on the Monday of the release of our first production #ChokedPaisaBoltaHai on @netflix_in .
“@jagasiadhruv in black and white and @akshaythakker . My two pillars of support. Only thing I can’t figure out is which one of my two producers is good and who is bad… So leaving it to you all to decide. Let’s have fun #chokedpaisaboltahai releasing June 5th.”
The “Gangs of Wasseypur” director started his first production house in 2009 with Anurag Kashyap Films, followed by Phantom Films two years later.
The company, however, was dissolved in 2018 after sexual harassment allegations surfaced against one of its partners, filmmaker Vikas Bahl. (AGENCIES)