Apex Court opts for transparency

In a significant decision the Apex Court will be demonstrating practical proof of transparency in its deliberation by agreeing to upload on its website the decisions taken by it, including on elevation, transfer and confirmation of judges. The decision was taken by Supreme Court Collegium headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra with four senior-most judges of the Apex Court — Justices J Chelameswar, Ranjan Gogoi, Madan B Lokur and Kurian Joseph. This means that much crucial information like recommendation sent to Government with regard to cases relating to initial elevation to High Court Bench, confirmation as permanent Judge of High Court, elevation to the post of Chief Justice of High Court, transfer of High Court Judges and elevation to Supreme Court etc. will now be put on the website. The main purpose of making information publicly available technically called transparency is a requirement of democratic dispensation since we mean to bring about desirable reforms in our democratic procedures. Putting vital information on the website is indirectly to discourage people from unnecessary litigation and waste of time of the court. Obviously, this practice will be observed by the State High Courts also in due course of time. That seems a positive step by the Apex Court of the country in contributing its share in the transparency of administration and governance.
We appreciate this step of the Supreme Court and also congratulate it for having taken the initiative that is going to have far-reaching results in the interests of the people of this country. We are convinced that this step of the Apex Court is going to have its reverberations all over the country and State High Courts will feel obliged to walk in the footsteps of the Supreme Court. We consider it an achievement in the judicial history of the country.