Apni Trade Union demands regularization of daily wagers

Apni Trade Union President Ajaz Kazmi addressing a press conference at Jammu on Monday.
Apni Trade Union President Ajaz Kazmi addressing a press conference at Jammu on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 19: Apni Trade Union J&K President, Ajaz Kazmi has demanded regularization of all the daily wagers working in different Govt Departments for decades and urged the LG administration to address the issues as early as possible.
Addressing a press conference here at the Apni Party Office in Gandhi Nagar, Kazmi said that over 61000 daily wagers have been working in various Government Departments for the last two decades who were assured regularization by the previous Govts and accordingly decisions in the Cabinets were also taken for the same.
“However, the LG administration has ignored every decision and not taken into account their service at the time of Covid 19 pandemic when the people were scared to come out but these daily wagers kept the Govt working even after getting minimum wages,” he said.
He said that the Govt should look into the issue seriously instead of ignoring these daily wagers whose families are dependent upon them and they have no other means of earning.
“The Govt has adopted different means of harassment against the daily wagers and does not listen to their genuine demands i.e., regularization, regularly release their monthly wages and implementation of Minimum Wage Act in J&K,” he said, adding that the issue of daily wagers should be considered on humanitarian ground and they should be regularized without further delay.
Further, he said that the wages of the daily wagers are not released regularly every month and they have received complaints that 55 months wages are pending from 2015.
Ajaz Kazmi said that the Apni Party President Syed Mohammed Altaf Bukhari has assured to regularize these daily wagers within 60 days after the formation of next Govt in J&K.
Apni Trade union leader questioned the LG administration for its inability to frame a proper policy for the regularization of the daily wagers and warned that if the Government continue to harass them for one reason or other, the daily wagers will be forced to intensify their agitation and Apni Party will leave no stone unturned to support them and join their protests in future.
Kazmi was accompanied by Provincial Secretary/ District President Jammu Urban, Dr Rohit Gupta, State General Secretary Youth Wing, Abhay Bakaya, Provincial President Youth Wing Jammu, Vipul Bali, and Provincial President Apni Trade Union, Raj Sharma.