Apollo Hospitals, Mobile ODT tie-up to improve cervical cancer detection rates

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 20: Apollo Hospitals and Mobile ODT partnered to improve the higher detection rate of suspected cervical cancer in both urban and rural areas.
With expertise from Apollo, Mobile ODT, a medical devices company, deploys the Enhanced Visual Assessment (EVA) System at primary cervical cancer screenings which leads to higher detection rate of suspected precancerous and cancerous lesions for women across.
As per studies, cervical cancer has been a major disease burden for women in India. The cancer accounts for 17 percent of all cancer deaths in women between 30-69 years. Wide-ranging studies suggest that timely screening is the strongest tool to combat this growing menace.
Dr Mallika Samuel, senior Consultant Gynecologist Apollo Hospitals Chennai and Lead Investigator of the study said, “The Indian healthcare landscape presents significant challenges related to patient volumes access and affordability. Traditional healthcare delivery models necessarily need to be disrupted by converging technology with healthcare. The deployment of the EVA screening technology has been one such disruptive technology, which shall facilitate taking cervical screening to the people of India. It will enable early screening and hence early treatment thus slowing down incidences of cervical cancer.
Further, it maximizes the chances of making cervical cancer screening programme successful and reduces the time to follow up with the patients especially in rural and remote areas, she added.