Surprise check of Anganwari Centres across Rajouri District ordered by the Deputy Commissioner has shown how farcical these centres and their functioning can be. Many complaints that these centres exist only on paper and their functionaries draw salaries without even attending the centre prompted the DC of Rajouri to order surprise check of all Anganwari Centres in the district. The check was conducted by a large number of subordinate officers Tehsildars, Naib Tehsildars, SDMs and even Girdawars of Revenue Department. Surprise check showed that in all over 600 Anganwari Centres were found closed and nearly 1400 employees of the ICDS Projects of Social Welfare Department (SWD) were absent from duty in district Rajouri. These figures have been provided by the officials who were entrusted with the task of conducting the surprise check. The day-long exercise revealed that many AWCs were closed since last one year and ration had not been supplied to many centres.
In Koteranka, out of 214 AWCs only 84 were found open while 130 were closed. In the AWCs found open, only 82 officials were present while 132 were absent. We have the full report with us and suffice to say that the Social Welfare Department has never cared to perform its duty of monitoring the function and progress of work in these centres. Corruption has been rampant to the extent that at some places the centres have remained closed for more than a year yet salaries continued to be drawn by the functionaries. We suggest that departmental enquiry be ordered into this huge affair of dereliction of duty and fraud and the defaulters should be removed and replaced by honest and sincere functionaries.