Appointment of Interlocutor bid to mislead intl community: Karra

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Nov 5: Former Member Parliament and senior Congress leader Tariq Hameed Karra today  alleged that appointment of Interlocutor on Kashmir, was just   an attempt of Union Government to mislead the international community.
In a strong statement here today, Karra, a member of the former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh led Congress Policy and Planning group on J&K,  demanded that Govt must make it clear whether Sharma was being sent to restore peace in the Valley or has the mandate to find out the resolution of Kashmir issue.
Karra stressed, if Dineshwar’s task was to work for restoration of peace, then meeting police officials and mainstream politicians and ‘ stage managed groups of people from different hues by certain police and civil administration officials’ makes some sense, but added that if he was appointed for resolving the Kashmir issue, then it was imperative upon the Government to identify the ‘stake holders’ first.
While lashing out on the Union Government Karra said, that in the name of appointment of interlocutor, the Government of India was not only trying to befool and exploit sentiments of the countrymen but also attempting to mislead the international community which has built tremendous pressure on it to open channels of negotiations with stake holders in the state.
Karra said BJP led Government and the RSS backed BJP as party, were contradicting each other viz- a- viz, the task assigned to interlocutor. He said when Home Minister Rajnath Singh announced the appointment of interlocutor just two hours after, a junior minster in the Modi Government sought to contradict Home Minister and said , there was no need of negotiations as there wasn’t any issue as for as Kashmir was concerned. He ridiculed the BJP for contradicting their own senior most minister and former party president Rajnath Singh and said even State Deputy Chief Minister  had his own narrative to offer, saying, “talks would be held with Hurriyat also but only with those who have been jailed by NIA.”
The Congress leader questioned the motive behind the decision of sending ‘interlocutor’ to the State and said if Union Government can request Supreme Court to defer the hearing on Article 35-A, why did not it held NIA back from raiding in Kashmir even after the announcement.