Appointment of CIC

This has reference to the news item ‘Ganai to be new CIC’ DE Feb 22.
With the appointment of new Chief Information Commissioner, RTI movement in the State, it is expected, will regain momentum.
The RTI movement in the State suffered a huge setback when the previous Government curtailed its some powers. It was rendered toothless and ineffective. Even then people of the State posed faith in the institution. It certainly helped get vital information from concerned quarters which in normal circumstances was quite difficult to get. It put brakes on corrupt officers to act in an arbitrarily manner.
Attempts were made by vested interests in the past to make this institution defunct just to save their personal interests. However, they were not allowed to succeed by RTI zealots who fought tooth and nail to keep this body functioning. These zealots deserve full appreciation. Even after being branded as blackmailers, the RTI activists continued their work.
Hope, the new CIC will infuse fresh life in the working of this body by entertaining all the complaints of people in a time bound manner and plugging all its loopholes.
Yours etc…
Rakesh Salgotra