Appropriate preventive measures taken to check dengue: Shabir

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 5: Making a statement regarding spread of dengue in District Samba in the Lower House today, Minister of State for Health, Shabir Ahmed Khan said that after reports of outbreak of dengue in district Samba, immediately a team of doctors was rushed to the affected area to take stock of the position to understand the ground situation and devise appropriate strategy to contain the outbreak.
The Health Minister informed the House that first case of dengue was reported on September 3, 2013 in Ward 8 at Samba. He said as on date 256 cases have been detected as positive in Jammu division, of which 75 cases have been detected in Jammu, 3 in Kathua, 1 in Rajouri and 168 in Samba.
The Minister informed that Health Department has taken several measures to control the outbreak. He said rapid response teams were constituted at District and Divisional Levels besides the District administration also made vigorous campaign to spread awareness among the people regarding preventive measures.
The Health Minister said that spray teams are visiting the affected areas where positive cases have been detected which are spraying insecticide for mosquito control in 50 houses around the houses of each dengue positive case. He said the teams have also been deputed to the affected areas for identification and spraying insecticide to kill mosquitos.
Mr. Shabir said the samples are being collected in the designated hospitals; transported by department and being tested in the tertiary level laboratory besides treatment is being provided in various hospitals of Jammu Division. He, however, said that the complicated cases are treated in Government Hospitals Gandhi Nagar, Sarwal and Government Medical College Jammu.
The Minister also informed the House that one child namely Mehak of Bari-Brahmana died on September 19, 2013. He, however, clarified that Pooja of Samba who died on September 9, 2013 was not seen and treated by any doctor of the J&K Health Services, adding that the deceased was reported to have been admitted in Ravi Hospital Pathankote from where she was referred to DMC hospital Ludhiana where she later expired.