Army, BSF create 3 lines of security to tackle intrusions in fog

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Dec 29: Army and Border Security Force (BSF) have put in a place a three tier security apparatus along the Line of Control (LoC) and International Border (IB) in Jammu sector to ensure that the militants, who were badly frustrated by sitting at launching pads on Pakistan side for a long time, didn’t manage to infiltrate into this side take cover of dense fog and other adverse weather conditions, which have engulfed entire Jammu region and would persist for at least one more month.
Official sources told the Excelsior that Army and BSF have created three lines of security along the LoC and IB to make it sure that even if the militants managed to breach one line, they were captured or killed at second or third line.
“Three tier security apparatus followed the reports that nearly 300 militants were desperate to sneak into this side from LoC and IB in Jammu sector and would make determined attempts to enter into this side taking cover of thick fog’’, they said.
According to sources, one line of Army has been deployed ahead of the fencing while second line has been created behind the fencing. The third line has been posted close to general areas on the LoC. The BSF has also adopted similar pattern on the International Border.
Sources said creation of three lines of security on the LoC and IB were in addition to anti-fog apparatus and other infrastructure installed on the borders besides strict surveillance being maintained by the security personnel to thwart infiltration attempts.
“The militants have definitely come close to LoC and even IB on some occasions with a plot to intrude into this side. However, they haven’t succeeded. The militants could make more such intrusion bids especially in the winter months of January and February when the fog and adverse weather would prevail on the borders’’, they added.
They admitted that there had been desperation on part of nearly 300 militants, who were camping across LoC and IB on Pakistan side for past quite sometime now, to intrude into this side. The intercepts have also pointed out the desperation as the militants wanted to infiltrate but were finding it difficult to do so, they said.
According to sources, most of the firing incidents on the LoC were aimed at infiltration of the militants. While in some incidents, the militants had directly opened firing on the Army to force their entry into this side, in some other cases, Pakistan Army had fired at the troops to give cover to the infiltrators, they said.
It may be mentioned here that dense fog has engulfed most parts of the LoC and IB during past few days and would extend right up to January end or even in the start of February, which would give the militants an advantage to sneak in but the alertness displayed by the security personnel hasn’t allowed the militants to succeed in their nefarious designs.