Army chief rushes to Nagrota as tension escalates on LoC

A house flattened in Pak shelling at village Gani in Mendhar sector of Poonch on Saturday. —Excelsior/Rahi Kapoor
A house flattened in Pak shelling at village Gani in Mendhar sector of Poonch on Saturday. —Excelsior/Rahi Kapoor

Govt orders construction of 400 more bunkers within a month
4 Pak troops killed, over 100 houses damaged in Poonch

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Mar 2: As there was no let up in tension on the Line of Control (LoC) in Rajouri and Poonch districts with four more Pakistani army personnel killed in retaliatory shelling and firing by the Indian troops and five civilians injured on this side, Army chief Gen Bipin Rawat air-dashed to Nagrota Corps and reviewed operational preparedness of the troops with top Army Commanders while the State Government ordered construction of 400 more bunkers for civilians—200 each for Rajouri and Poonch districts—within a period of one month.
Official sources said Pakistan has confirmed the killing of its four Army jawans in retaliatory firing by the Indian troops across Rajouri and Poonch districts and also admitted heavy infrastructural losses on their side. Throughout the last night and this morning, ambulances could be seen shifting dead and injured on Pakistan side to the hospitals opposite Mendhar, Mankote, Balakote, Nowshera and Sunderbani sectors of Rajouri and Poonch districts.
Sources said the Indian retaliation was necessitated as Pakistan was using long range mortars and artillery fired to pound civilian areas in Poonch district in which three members of a family including a woman and her two infants were killed and husband seriously injured in Jhalas area while another civilian and two soldiers, one of them a Major, were injured last night. A day before, a young girl was killed and two others injured in Mendhar sector in the shelling.

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In view of mounting tension, Army chief Gen Bipin Rawat and Northern Command chief Lt Gen Ranbir Singh visited White Knight Corps at Nagrota to review operational preparedness of the troops and current situation along LoC and International Border (IB).
GOC Nagrota Corps Lt Gen Paramjit Singh briefed the Army chief and the Northern Commander about situation on the LoC and preparation of the formations. Gen Rawat was also briefed on actions taken to meet challenges of increased ceasefire violations and measures put in place to thwart nefarious designs of Pakistan army, which was firing and shelling civilian areas indiscriminately in frustration following Indian air raids at Balakote camp of Jaish-e-Mohammed in Pakistan in which over 350 militants were killed followed by Pakistan’s strike on LoC in Nowshera and Bhimber Gali sectors of Rajouri and Poonch.
Significantly, this was Army chief’s first visit to Jammu after Indian air raids and Pakistan strike on LoC in which an F-16 fighter jet of Pakistan was shot down.
The Army chief called for Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to minimize casualties due to ceasefire violations and infiltration attempts. He called upon the soldiers to remain vigilant to counter nefarious designs of the enemy and anti-national elements.
Meanwhile, in a significant decision, the State Government today approved additional 400 individual bunkers for Poonch and Rajouri—200 each for the two districts.
The Government has fixed one month deadline for construction of bunkers as per prescribed specifications. The funds would be placed at the disposal of the Deputy Commissioners through the Rural Development Department.
“The bunkers have been found to be an effective response to cross-border shelling and providing border residents a safe place to shelter themselves during firing from Pakistan’’ sources said.
On the other, there was no let-up in Pakistan shelling in Mankote, Balakote and Mendhar sectors of Poonch and Nowshera sector in Rajouri district, though intensity of the shelling was comparatively low today as compared to past two days.
Three more civilians were injured in Pakistan shelling in Mankote today after mortar shells exploded close to their houses. They have been identified as Azad Ahmad, 20, son of Mohammad Shabir, Zahida Khatoon, 15, daughter of Mohammad Shabir and Zarina, 45, wife of Mohammad Shabir, all residents of village Ghani in Mankote sector. They were evacuated from the site of firing and admitted in the Sub District Hospital, Mendhar.
A couple was injured in Pak shelling in Nowshera sector of Rajouri district.
Sources said the Indian side retaliated firing and shelling effectively and strongly at all the places to silence the Pakistani guns.
Meanwhile, all educational institutions within five kilometer radius of the LoC remained closed for the fifth day today as a precautionary measure following an official order in view of Pakistan shelling and firing.
They said the troops were on high alert and keeping a close vigil along the LoC as there were reports that Pakistan army could facilitate infiltration by the militants under the cover of shelling and firing.
For third consecutive day today, people remained confined to their houses in all forward areas along LoC in Rajouri and Poonch districts.
While exact losses of property were being ascertained, sources said number of houses, cattle sheds and other structures have been flattened in Pakistan shelling in Jhalas, Salhutri, Mankote, Mendhar and Balakote sectors. There were reports that number of cattle have either perished in the shelling or were injured.
Over 100 houses and other strucutres were reported to have been damaged in Pakistant shelling.
The panic-stricken border residents in some worst-hit villages fled to safer places. The district administration in Rajouri and Poonch have made necessary arrangements in case more people are forced to flee their homes.Sources said the health institutions are open and working round-the-clock to meet any eventuality. All ambulances have been mobilized and moved to the areas close to the LoC with special teams to help people in need.