Army Comdr reviews Kishtwar situation

Northern Command chief Lt Gen Ranbir Singh during his visit to Kishtwar on Thursday.
Northern Command chief Lt Gen Ranbir Singh during his visit to Kishtwar on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 8: Northern Army Commander Lt Gen Ranbir Singh today reviewed prevailing security situation in Kishtwar and Suigarh areas.
Lt Gen Ranbir Singh accompanied by White Knight Corps Commander, Lt Gen Paramjit Singh, visited hinterland posts of Kishtwar and Suigarh areas to review the operational preparedness.
The need to be prepared for effectively meeting emerging security challenges was also reinforced by the Army Commander to the troops during his interaction.
Lt Gen Ranbir Singh was briefed by the Commanders on ground about the current operational and prevailing hinterland security situation and the preparedness of the formations in dealing with the same.
He was also updated by the White Knight Corps Commander on current internal security situation in the Kishtwar region and measures undertaken by the Army & civil administration for controlling the situation, sources said.
The Army Commander interacted with civil administration officials at Kishtwar, who briefed him on the internal security situation post the killing of BJP State Secretary Anil Parihar and his brother Ajit Parihar.
He was also briefed on the actions being taken to ensure a robust counter terrorist grid to enable continued peace and stability in the region.