Army foils infiltration bid

JAMMU: An attempt by three Pakistani militants to sneak into Indian territory was today foiled by the army, which also defused an Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) planted by the infiltrators along LoC in Rajouri district.     This is the third attempt in a month by militants to breach the borders.     “Our troops noticed suspicious movement of a group of three terrorists opposite our (forward) post along LoC in Bhimbher Gali at around 0830 hours today,” a defence spokesman said here.     Troops guarding the borderline fired on the infiltrating terrorists and they fled to Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), he said.     They had also planted an IED to target troops, he said adding that it was recovered and destroyed in the location.     No one was injured and there was no damage to property, the spokesman said.     This was the third infiltration bid by Pakistan militants along LoC. On May 10, two militants were killed when Army troops foiled an infiltration bid along Line of Control (LoC) in Kalsia belt of Poonch district.     One jawan had suffered injuries in the firing.     On May 3, troops foiled an infiltration bid along LoC in Sawjian belt of Poonch district.     Army officials said the ceasefire violations and firing by Pakistani troops were aimed at helping militants infiltrate into J&K from the “launching pads” along LoC, where they are waiting to crossover.     There are also inputs that bids to engineer attacks by Pakistan’s Border Action Team (BAT) on Indian forward posts and patrolling parties are being planned from across the border, they said. (AGENCIES)