Army foils infiltration bid; militant killed, 2 Army men injured

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Mar 3: Army today foiled a major infiltration bid in North Kashmir’s Keran sector on the Line of Control (LoC) and killed one militant while two Army personnel were injured.
A defence spokesman said here that Army foiled an infiltration bid in Keran sector of the LoC and killed one militant early this morning. “One weapon was also recovered”, the spokesman said.
The spokesman said that two soldiers were also injured during operation and they have been evacuated to hospital for treatment and their condition is stable.
Sources said that Army noticed movement of 6-7 militants on LoC early today in Keran sector. These militants had come inside the LoC and their movement was noticed by the Army men posted on the forward posts in the sector.
They said that the infiltrators were challenged by the troops deployed in the counter-infiltration grid. The militants fled back to PoK; however, two of them were killed as Army saw the retreating militants dragging two bodies.
The Army launched searches in the area near the LoC and saw one of the bodies lying near the LoC. As the Army went to recover the body, militants hiding in the bushes fired upon them injuring two Army men. They were immediately evacuated and their condition is stated to be out of danger. The Army men belong to 11-Kumaon regiment and were injured at Rawtha Naad Domari.
A major search operation has been launched in the area and more troops were rushed there. Intermittent firing was on and troops in the area have been put on high alert.
This year this is the first infiltration bid that was foiled by Army today. Normally, the militants start infiltration attempts from the month of May when the snow melts on the mountain peaks. But this year due to less snowfall in winter and high temperatures in February and March there is very little snow on the LoC left and militants have started infiltration attempts.
Sources said that the Army has already intensified its vigil along the LoC to prevent any infiltration from across the LoC as there is less snow on the LoC. They said that Army had the apprehensions that the militants may try to infiltration ahead of their schedule.
Last year, infiltration was down by 50 percent due to strengthening of the counter-infiltration gird along 400 kilometer LoC in Kashmir. The Multi Agency Centre (MAC) figures put the infiltration figures of 2015 at 35.
According to the MAC figures, 65 militants infiltrated into Kashmir in 2014, 97 infiltrated in 2013, 121 in 2012, 52  in 2011, 82  in 2010, 99 infiltrated in 2009 and 27 had infiltrated in 2008.