Army foils major infiltration attempt in Keran, 4 killed

Fayaz Bukhari

An Army soldier takes position near the encounter site in Keran sector on Saturday. —Excelsior/Aabid Nabi

SRINAGAR, Oct 5: Army today foiled a major infiltration attempt in Keran sector of North Kashmir on the Line of Control (LoC) and killed four infiltrators while Army’s Northern chief, Lt Gen Sanjiv Chachra, arrived in Kashmir valley for four day visit in the backdrop of infiltration of a large group of militants in Keran sector.
Northern Army Command Defence spokesman, Lt Col Rajesh Kalia said here that troops deployed on the LoC in general area of Fateh Gali in Keran sector detected movement of some infiltrators about 50 meters in front of the own post and three kilometers inside the LoC.
The spokesman said that they were challenged by troops leading to a firefight. He said that the infiltrators fired heavy volume of fire on own troops who retaliated immediately.
“In the ensuring fire fight, four terrorists were killed. During the initial search a large quantity of war like stores including six AK-47, 10 pistols, four UBGL, four Disposable Rocket Launchers and six small rucksacks have been recovered so far”, the spokesman said.
Lt Col Kalia said that due to the recent surge in attempts of infiltration in Keran sector, the troops were in state of high alert. The existing strong anti infiltration grid has resulted in elimination of seven infiltrators in last 24 hours. “Search operations in the area are still in progress”, the he added.
The spokesman said that Fateh Gali is 25 kilometres West of Shala Bhatu area in the sector.
The operation against a group of 30-40 infiltrated militants in the Shala Bhatu village in Keran sector entered 12th day today. Sources said that these infiltrators have captured a ghost village on the LoC but the Indian army denied the capture of the village.
The Northern Army chief is visiting Kashmir valley in the backdrop of recent increased incidents of infiltration attempts by militants along the LoC in the Valley to take stock of the security situation.
Lt General Chachra took aerial reconnaissance of the forward posts in North Kashmir.
The Defence spokesman said that Lt General Chachra along with Lt General Gurmit Singh, Chinar Corps Commander visited the Headquarters of Sector Rashtriya Rifles where he was briefed by the Commanders on the prevailing security scenario in their areas of responsibility.
The spokesman said that the Army Commander expressed satisfaction over the preparedness of security forces in ensuring safety and security of the people in the Valley and praised the high level of synergy existing among the Police, CRPF and Army.
The spokesman said that in the next two days, the Army Commander is visiting the forward formations and units to review the anti-infiltration grid and also the ongoing operations being conducted by the Army.
“He will also be calling on Governor N N Vohra, and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah”, the spokesman added.