Army hints at retaliation

The Army today clearly indicated it would take retaliatory action against the killing of four army men in heavy shelling by Pakistani forces along the LoC in the Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir, saying that its action would speak for itself.
Vice chief Lt Gen Sarath Chand said the Army has been responding appropriately to Pakistan shelling, asserting that India will continue to give a “befitting reply” to such acts.
“That (retaliation) goes without saying, I think I don’t have to say that. (Our) action will speak for itself,” he said when asked about the killing of a Captain and three other Army men in the Rajouri sector.
The Captain and three jawans were killed and at least four people injured yesterday in the heavy Pakistani shelling along the LoC.
Chand also accused the Pakistani army of supporting the infiltration of terrorists into Jammu and Kashmir.
“We will continue with our process of giving a befitting reply (to such acts),” he told reporters on the sidelines of an event here, adding that there were even incidents of mutilation of bodies of jawans last year.
“We have been responding appropriately,” he said.
“There has been cross-border shelling from their (Pakistan’s) side. And one of the shells landed near the officer and his men, leading to the casualties,” he said when asked about yesterday’s shelling.
Army sources said the Pakistan army had used 120mm mortars and Anti-Tank-Guided Missiles yesterday in the attack in which the four Army men were killed. Usually the Pakistan army uses 80mm mortars. (PTI)